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  1. S

    The AeroGarden

    Here is some pics of the lil girl. She is 10 days into flowering and planted march 12th from B.C. bag seed. Overall I am pleased with the rusults so far based on how much effort it took. This experiment moves into a 3 door fridge as soon as she is done flowering! Peace and remember... What goes...
  2. S

    The AeroGarden

    Well sorry for not posting in a while ... things have been a lil hectic. OK so I posted some new pics of the lil one, I am now 3 days into flowering with the AG and I am not 100% sure but pretty sure that this lil experiment turned out to be a girl! This plant apears to be a cross of some...
  3. S

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    Hopefully this works I got them attached I think any ways they look much better almost immediately after reducing the ph. Thanks for the help guys \keep growing
  4. S

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    Well this is my first pics of the lil one in the AG. As you can see I have some brown spots...I just adjusted the ph down and now the lil girl is reaching for the sky. I plan on transplanting her into her very own AG as soon as my second one gets here. Enjoy the pics and give me any feed back...
  5. S

    The AeroGarden

    I am interested in any information on success at growing with the aerogarden. I have a lil female about 3 weeks old and have a few ideas on how to run the 12/12 cycle. Pull the battery out and plug the machine into a normal xmas tree timer. This should work but ill let you know as I find out...
  6. S

    The AeroGarden

    Okay as far as I have learned the strawberry setting runs 24 hrs per day. as well if you take the battery out of the machine and simply plug it into a xmas tree timer set to 12/12 I believe it will turn on to tomatoe and you will tell it to turn off before it would normally. This keeps the...
  7. S

    Aerogarden, Round 2

    Hi there, this is my first post and am so relieved that someone else is growing in the aerogarden. I have one plant growing at 3 weeks and am pretty sure she is a female. I would love to hear from any one on how to control flowering cycles with the aerogarden (12/12)? my Idea was take the...