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  1. Keep1_rolled

    1 Short Cola of 8

    So this is my 3rd time growing. I’m going with the mainline route with kind soil. Everything is ok but I keep having 1 cola that’s just small af. It’s like it don’t get enough light or something but I’m sure it does. It’s the 3rd grow in a row where I have 1 small cola. They all have the same...
  2. Keep1_rolled

    Small minor newbie issues

    Yea I been drowning dat shit. A couple times I had too much runoff but i learned. How does it look so far?
  3. Keep1_rolled

    Small minor newbie issues

    Do u use anything to make buds fatter? I’m growing in kind soil only.
  4. Keep1_rolled

    Small minor newbie issues

    Nah my last ones were thrown out n I had nothing to do with that. They def made their way back to being super healthy. Here’s a pic
  5. Keep1_rolled

    Small minor newbie issues

    Wat up y’all?? Quick update. Had to start over on account of some major bs that happened. But I’m like in week 5 of flowering now. I did the mainline with 8 colas but side branches started booming!! I thought I had it under control until the flower stretch didn’t really stop lol. But check the...
  6. Keep1_rolled

    Please help!! Unknown Issues

    The CFLS aren’t that strong though lol
  7. Keep1_rolled

    Please help!! Unknown Issues

    Is that causing all the problems that I’m going thru
  8. Keep1_rolled

    Please help!! Unknown Issues

    300 w led. About 3 inches from top but I raised it about 9 inches last night. Also have 2 30wCFLs on each side about 5 inches away.
  9. Keep1_rolled

    Please help!! Unknown Issues

    Just 2. One at the bottom and one at the top. Neither are directly on plant
  10. Keep1_rolled

    Please help!! Unknown Issues

    I broke a main from the mainline at the bottom where the 4 mains were supposed to be. So I had 3 mains to start n then i had to move it to my boy crib. During the transportation, broke another stem smfh. He has centra air and the humidity is always in the 80s to lower 70s 80% of the time. I have...
  11. Keep1_rolled

    Small minor newbie issues

    Bro I been thru so much hell im the last 4 weeks. I broke a main from the mainline at the bottom where the 4 mains were supposed to be. So I had 3 mains to start n then i had to move it to my boy crib. During the transportation, broke another stem smfh. He has centra air and the humidity is...
  12. Keep1_rolled

    Small minor newbie issues

    This is this morning!! Crazy growth but I noticed the leaves are curling. I had one the fans raised a bit and I guess the new growth must of gotten wind burned. I lowered it back to the bottom of the pot and this morning the curling went down about 50% Other than that, it’s looking good
  13. Keep1_rolled

    Small minor newbie issues

    Mainlined on Sunday. The first 2 pics are from this morning. The last one is right after the trim
  14. Keep1_rolled

    Small minor newbie issues

    So should I water now even though I watered Thursday?
  15. Keep1_rolled

    Small minor newbie issues

    I am using kind soil at the bottom and roots organic potting soil at the top .am I still supposed to get runoff? I'm not adding nutes since it's the hot soil already and I'm adding co2 for the high temps
  16. Keep1_rolled

    Small minor newbie issues

    Temps are 93 top in the day and 81 at night when lights are off. On 18/6 schedule
  17. Keep1_rolled

    Small minor newbie issues

    Didn't really"soak" it yet. The most I added was like 3 pints of water on the past Thursday and that's it. Should I be doing 3 gallons and getting slight run off to indicate it's soaked?
  18. Keep1_rolled

    Small minor newbie issues

    my pics weren’t coming out right so I logged in on a different phone n they look way better now
  19. Keep1_rolled

    Small minor newbie issues

    Thanks alot bro you. Everyone up here is a lot of help .I should've been asking questions instead of reading everyone else posts. I didn't think the reply would be so quick