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  1. K


    So this is my second time posting I didn't really get any solid advice from the last post.. but anyhow I'm outdoor and I thought I was getting close to harvest, the buds were getting fat, dense, and heavy and it seems like about a week ago I started noticing that the buds were stretching and...
  2. K

    Is this revege?

    Ill just keep watching it, the calyxs haven't even started to swell, some of the top nugs are as big as my wrist.. and I just noticed a couple of spots that had Bud rot.. I'll try and cut all the effected area out and keep my eye closely on it for the next couple of days..
  3. K

    Is this revege?

    I was kind of thinking it may be some sort of foxtailing or just a genetic trait with the strain.. it doesn't really have that revenge growth where the leaves are cupd/clawed and twisted
  4. K

    Is this revege?

    When I first noticed it temps were in the mid-80s, it's been in the 70s for about a week now
  5. K

    Is this revege?

    I'm outside
  6. K

    Is this revege?

    So this is my second time posting I didn't really get any solid advice from the last post.. but anyhow I'm outdoor and I thought I was getting close to harvest, the buds were getting fat, dense, and heavy and it seems like about a week ago I started noticing that the buds were stretching and...
  7. K

    Could this be revege or foxtailing?

    There definitely is some sort of growth happening that's making her thin out
  8. K

    Could this be revege or foxtailing?

    I haven't changed the nutes, and she was fattening up real nice . No she's starting to look fluffy/airy
  9. K

    lack of swelling due to Def or genetics?

    I'm definitely not throwing any nitrogen her way
  10. K

    Could this be revege or foxtailing?

    I've got this plant outside as of last week she was getting huge with big thick and dense flowers all over her, a couple days ago I noticed it was starting to look like some of the flowers were stretching out a little and loosening up, I was thinking possibly foxtailing but a friend of mine has...
  11. K

    lack of swelling due to Def or genetics?

    I've got a plant that has been doing something similar, last week the buds were big thick and dense; now they're starting to look as if there's some kind of stretch and they're fluffing out.. I was thinking maybe foxtailing? A friend of mine suggested revege but I was thinking it was a little...
  12. K

    Selling pheno hunted clones

    Sounds good buddy I'll keep looking for your post, keep up the good work man I aspire to be like you someday..
  13. K

    Selling pheno hunted clones

    Haha, I hope not.. if I search your name nothing pops up but if I click on your link it text me to your page but it doesn't give me the option to send a message?
  14. K

    Selling pheno hunted clones

    I started an account but it's not giving me the option to send you a message?
  15. K

    Selling pheno hunted clones

    Awesome; so once I start a profile on strainly it will allow me the option to message you?
  16. K

    Selling pheno hunted clones

    How much for a couple clones off that? How can I contact you privately?
  17. K

    Selling pheno hunted clones

    Do you have anything suited for outdoors?
  18. K

    Selling pheno hunted clones

    How can a get a few cuts from these?