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  1. O

    any1 ever heard of

    hey i was just wondering if any of you guys ever heard about a seedbank called it good?and is it reliable?im a newb..and im thinking about ordering a strain called thc bomb from that website.
  2. O

    NeWb quesTioNs aboUt whitE WIDOW n BiG BUd

    hEy guys IVe neveR growN..BUt imA hopefUllY STARt indooRs prettY SOOn..anY WAYs iM PLANNINg on oRderiNg biG BUd anD WHITE WIdoW..BUt are theSe straiNS EASy to groW?ANd can you TELL Me of anY EXPERIENCEs witH thesE STRAInS?thnkS
  3. O

    wonDErInG ABouT BIg buD..

    Im JUs wondeRiN If anY Of U GUyS HAv growN BIg bUd?n iF U HAv hoW MUCh does It yielD n iS It gooD In s.o.g?alsO ANy tips..thnkZ