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  1. DancesWithWeeds

    Anyone making nasal sprays?

    I've never heard of anyone doing it, but it's very interesting. Using an alcohol tincture might be a bit brutal on the nose. I think maybe RSO thinned with a little MCT. Might work. On the other hand it might not do anything except getting your nose sticky. You sure wouldn't want the heavy oils...
  2. DancesWithWeeds

    Herbalist and Blood Thinners?

    I'm starting to learn a little about falling, myself. I've had a few myself, but haven't gotten hert.
  3. DancesWithWeeds

    What is the tallest autoflower strain i could buy

    If you are growing just for yourself you can grow just one good 90 day plant, like @Rocket Soul said, and have more than a medium to light user will smoke. I'm a heavy user and I still have some left over by the next harvest. Oils and meds are made from older outdoor grows.
  4. DancesWithWeeds

    What is the tallest autoflower strain i could buy

    Royal Queen Seeds has one called Hyperion FI. Thay say it's their tallest auto in the discripion. I'm growing one now as a house plant (just because I want one in my room) . It's 32 days from sprout. 16 1/2 inches tall and 18 inches wide with lots of tops. They are on sale now at half price. I...
  5. DancesWithWeeds

    flower vs vape

    THC evaporates at around 342 degrees. Some of the turps go much hotter than that. If you dry herb vape is set too low low you may get high but not get what you expect or want. Somewhere around 428 you can get some pretty thick smoke and all the turps. The problem with that is it's not much...
  6. DancesWithWeeds

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    Got to agree with you. I used to save my very best weed for special occasions, but now it's the the first stuff to go. I don't want to get blown away and leave all that behind. That kind of reminds me of a movie, "On the Beach" I believe was the name of it. After the world was nuked and...
  7. DancesWithWeeds

    Can I smoke weed or use a bong after a month from dental implant surgery?

    Yea, and it's about 2 years old. I answered it, too.
  8. DancesWithWeeds

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    Happy on you, too! It would be nice to have one big party. I wonder it that could happen, maybe even a once a year get together.
  9. DancesWithWeeds

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    This is how I spent my birthday. How did you spend yours? 85 today.
  10. DancesWithWeeds

    THC % Does Not Measure The High

    You may like to check out Royal Queen Seeds. You can click on more info (or something like that) and all the strains have all the critical info listed below them side by side. This shows exactly what you are saying. I just went thru their list of autos and was simply delighted by the...
  11. DancesWithWeeds

    What are the most legendary strains?

    The trouble is that there are way too many people "tossing pollen" that don't have the foggiest idea of what they are doing. They are f!@#ing up the whole thing. I will not buy seeds that are "this x that". Every one of the crosses loose something in order to gain something else.
  12. DancesWithWeeds

    Making own oil or honey oil

    You take yours a couple of what looks like easy additions to my process. I may try it on my next run. My stuff comes out pretty good, but there's always room to improve.
  13. DancesWithWeeds

    Making own oil or honey oil

    Have you tried filtering thru a Bushner using both the DE and Activated Charcoal? I have thought about building the filter using a #1paper filter first, then 1/2 packed C-Lite (DE), with 1/4 inch Activated Charcoal on top.
  14. DancesWithWeeds

    Hose end sprayer troubles!!!!

    My son has a battery powered hand sprayer that he likes. I Googled them and found that they come in all different sizes, and some with wheels. I used his sprayer a couple of years ago and found it to be good. Easy to use. It was a lot easier than dragging a hose around. My favorite one is a...
  15. DancesWithWeeds

    I hate trimming thread!

    I usually grow 12 to 18 plants outside in the ground. Last year there were only 10, but I had to trim by myself. Outdoor plants in Oklahoma can get HUGE, like 10 to 12 feet tall and just as wide. I trimmed full time for 3 weeks and then called in someone else and just gave them about half...
  16. DancesWithWeeds

    my plant is just starting and it’s growing weird any tips please!?!?!

    If I see what I think your sprout still has it's hull from the seed. That needs to come off ASAP. The best way I've found to get it off is using tweezers. Squeeze the tweezers together enough to slip the point into the crack in the hull and let the them open to split the hull. More than likely...
  17. DancesWithWeeds

    First time LST

    I think growing outside you don't have to defoliate. The sun can cook down through the foliage. Those big leafs are the solar panels for the plant.
  18. DancesWithWeeds

    that ol devil weed is poisoning the elderly!

    Thanks. That was last year. Let me reword it. You know, I'm (83. 84) 84. 85 at next harvest. If I ever get elderly I may have to stop weed!!
  19. DancesWithWeeds

    Hold your smoke or exhale, as soon as you finish hitting it? Survey.

    My vape is loaned out to a friend. The guy can hardly breath but still smokes cigarettes. We thought if he had a dry herb vape he could use it to help with other problems. He wanted to try joints, but I discouraged that.