0 luck cloning


Well-Known Member
Im losing my mind. Ive been attempting to clone for months. Not one or two. I've lost count. I broke down 3 konths back and got a Turboklone t24. Still nothing. Tried with straight tap water. Tried with r.o. r.o with cal mag and silica. Water with nutes water with out nutes. With cloning gel of three different types individually and together. Ive tries a wide array of sized cuts. I added a heating mat. I removed the mat and added cooling pads to lower the temp to try and increase oxygen. Ive tried a few different lights at different heights. Currently attempting another round with remos cloning gel r.o water with a touch of cal mag. Put rhe heating pad back. Now into the 3rd week day 23 and nothing. A little bit of the pre bumps but been here before. Im quite literally losing my god damn mind. If this run doesn't work i will have one more shot at preserving these two. Help me please. Tell me there's a friggin rain dance or prayer that will set this right. Or something of actual value i can apply for results. Please. As a last ditch effort I am attempting to air layer a branch from each. I dont wantvto have to attempt to air layer to get clones i have a perfectly new machine that should be knocking out 24 mofos every few weeks and thats what i need. Consistent production