1 1/2 and 2 1/2 week olds not growing

I have 4 plants. 2 are just under 3 weeks. 2 are just under 2 weeks. each one seems to have a unique difference from the rest. all ww, all same environment...
(2x4 grow tent with a 400 w hps @ 24" from plant tops. the tent is open 98 percent of the time inside a mylar lined closet . temp is 82 hi, 67 low. the humidity is 20% day, 55% night. the closet has an oscillating fan and air purifier running for the 18hr days. homemade co2 generator in tent. All plants in grow medium consisting of 1 pt perlite, 1 pt sphagnum peat moss, 2 part potting soil. plants are watered only when mostly dry 2" into the soil and foliage is misted 2x daily.)​
Plant A will be 3 weeks on thurs. The underside leaf tips are curling and yellow at the tips, some yellow spotting on underside leaves. It is stiff and rigid to the touch. overall plant growth has stopped for the past 3-4 days except for the stalk... which is getting noticably thicker and stronger.
Plant B is will also be 3 weeks on thurs and overall growth has also stopped. plant is also not growing symetrically. Stem is much weaker than Plant A.
Plant C has also stopped growing it seems. Also not growing symetrically at ALL.

Any and all feedback/ criticism on set up or growing technique will be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
eh, i would fix that with a lil piss myself, but since most wouldnt, lets leave it at that.
others will chime in with other solutions.

you might not want to go by the 2" finger rule to know when to water, go by the weight of the container. the top 2" might be dry, but the bottom wet, better to go by weight. its easy too.


Well-Known Member
does ur potting soil have any nutrients in it? r u monitoring ur ph? I think ur daytime humidity is too low & is therefore affecting the uptake of any nutrients that may be present in ur soil.
does ur potting soil have any nutrients in it? r u monitoring ur ph? I think ur daytime humidity is too low & is therefore affecting the uptake of any nutrients that may be present in ur soil.
No nutes yet... figured they were too young. Ph meter is in the mail so i will check when it comes, but my tap water is real close to neutral. so the humidity gets burned off REAL quick by the lights.. it goes up super quick as soon as the light shuts off. what can i use to make it more humid in there?


Well-Known Member
that's what i was thinking. too. almost seems like the pots aren't draining well somtimes. would that cause them to grow all weird like that?
It could be affecting root development, so possibly yes. I would stop the misting and allow them to dry out for a few days.
they were getting really droopy and the pots were actually gettin pretty light so i ruled out them being water logged. PLZZZ anyone else??? they chikas really weren't lookin too good.