1/4 pound = 35 years


Well-Known Member
This poor slob is 54. Got 35 years for 4 oz. Thats a life sentence. It's time to change this shit.

The sentence is majorly harsh, I wont argue that. Seriously though, you have to be really not thinking straight to be walking around, smoking a joint with weight on you. Thats asking for trouble, but he shouldnt get 35 years for it, thats just fucked.



Well-Known Member
That is insane.I hope he is apealling that shit but he might get denied if there already this strict.
Im glad I'll never live in texas,I already hate the cowboys enough this just puts the icing on the cake


Well-Known Member
Hey....Don't mess with Texas!

"Smith County Assistant District Attorney Richard Vance had asked for the jury to give Wooten a sentence of 99 years"
99 years for weed?...Get the fuck outta my face...that's insane


This was about an hour from me. That DA needs his ass kicked daily.


From the article:
"76% of Texans are pro-Medical Marijuana and 46% are for blanket legalization. However, 80% of those who are in favor of Medical Marijuana believe they stand alone in their thoughts."
Of course they think they're alone. Who wants to make a stand when they're handing out 35 year sentences?


Well-Known Member
all i know is guitar abuser if your growing/selling be careful.That is unless your a cowboys fan then you can get life for all I care


Well-Known Member
Make fliers of those statistics and post them all over Texas. Something would get done then. I willing to bet that if the government didn't change the laws then the Texans would exercise their RIGHT to change their government. I think we should do that as Americans though, so I might be a little biased. Maybe Obama will do some good.


Wtf? Thats just ridiculous... & scary cause I live in Texas :shock:


Well-Known Member
Vance had asked for the jury to give Wooten a sentence of 99 years............................ WTF???


Well-Known Member
This guy must of had the worst lawyer/pd in the world for this to happen.
I dont know how that DA could sleep at night after this.He really shoiuldn't have this job.


Well-Known Member
I still cant get over this shit.You dont even get 35 years for fucking Manslaughter even murder I know people who got out in 20.This is fucking ridiculous.