1 Gallon or 2 gallon smart pots for autos?


Well-Known Member
I wanna grow a few autoflowers.
I have a 3x3x6 tent with a 400w light.
Can I grow nice autos in 1 gallon smart pots?
Or should I use 2 gallon smart pots?
Is there a difference of what size container to use with autos?


Well-Known Member
I use 5 but only because I do 1 plant if I were doing a few I would use 3gal ... I went off the advice 1gal for every month there alive so with an auto it's generally around 3 month .. could be bad advice but I chose to take it lol


Well-Known Member
I grew in one gallon pots before and grew monsters in hydro and dirt. the prob is watering frequency. but also know that the volume of dirt and the size of the pot is directly related to your end yield. Gro win a pot that you can manage. 2 gallons will need less watering than one gallon for instance, but a five pail will leave you wanting/wondering for nothing too....go 2 or bigger, or else....lol