1 Hit, now being drug tested

Days Between

Active Member
I took one hit Tuesday night, first time I smoked any in 6 months. Im getting drug tested at a lab Monday morning (bad timing) what should I do? Do you think I'll pass?


Well-Known Member
drink a shit load of water and cranberry juice...
in u have money get the detox with the bee on it..

Days Between

Active Member
anybody have any experience with this? Im gonna drink alot of water and cranberry juice and red bull leading up to the day of the test. You think this will be enough to clean out one hit, literally one hit. It will be 6 days. Anybody have ideas without spending buko bucks on detox? Also doesnt detox agents show up?


Well-Known Member
Up to a week for non-smoker to clear one-time use. You've got almost that. Drinking water on the days before won't help - only day of. If you drink too much, they'll spot the dilution (via specific gravity test - some say you can overcome this with rolaids, gatorade, and b vitamins ). Is it pre-employment or court/probation? Pre-employment is almost always unsupervised. If it's unsupervised, just substitute clean urine (male or female friend or synthetic). I wouldn't buy any masking/cleansing drinks - seem like dilution to me.


Well-Known Member
you'll be fine, but if you really want to make sure, the day of the test drink a gallon or so of cranberry juice, coffee, or just plain water, gatorade is good too. don't hurt yourself over doing it. pee before you go in and then when you pee for the test, catch midstream pee. not the very beginning and none of the last . i've never failed one and i was tested once a month while under a state ran program. a tab of b12 will give your pee a yellow color so it doesn't look like you were diluting.

Days Between

Active Member
Thank you very much guys and gals thats the info I was looking for. To recap, Im going to take some b12 vitamins every day till the day, exercise every day till the day and then on the day drink alot of gatorade piss a couple times before the actual piss and just give mid stream piss. i think i got it thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Some other tips for other people as well

1. schedule you drug appointment at the end of the day if you can. More toxins are out of you body by the end of the day.
2. don't let them test the beginning of your piss stream. The end of you piss will have less toxins.
As usually drink lots of water and multivitamins help too. If you are concerned about the seeing that you are diluting you piss you can load on some creatine to help. I read some where that aspirin will help cover it up there is a schedule on line of what exact you do you drink a certain amount of water and you take aspirin at differents times to give you self a window where you piss is drug free don't quote me it might not be safe but i have heard it works.

I have used detox and it worked but i think you can get the same effects by taking allot of b supps and maybe adding a little creatine in the mix just like detox.

Days Between

Active Member
I took the test today at about 10:30 a.m. I drank 2 monster glasses of water and a greenish yellow powerade before hand. I also took double the one a day b-12 vitamin I was taking. I pissed twice before the test, so the test piss was my third of the day. My piss was nice and clear but had a good yellow tint, and I also only gave mid stream, as it was unsupervised. Im fine Im sure. Ill know for sure wednesday or thursday. Thanks again for all the help.