1 hour of lite got in my room.please help


Active Member
:fire::fire::wall:ok guy's i fucked up 12/12.. 2 weeks in to flowering lite over plants off street lite shinning through blind. blind left open..as i said 2 week of flowering am i fucked the window faces my door .and door open for fresh air


Active Member
damn dude im in the same boat i left my closet door open for 5 hrs of dark!!! i think im good tho i havent noticed any changes


Well-Known Member
most likely you will be just fine. It depends on the plant, and most don't mind a bit of light here and again. I have grown a number of plants and have interrupted their dark schedule quite a few times and have never gotten anything but pure sweet sensi.


Active Member
yeah you should be good, i mean in nature the moon gets pretty bright but outdoor plants flower just fine


Active Member
In nature it is not pitch black outside. like outdacloset said, You have the moon that lights up the earth pretty good sometimes. IMO it is direct intense light that is gonna hurt you. Not a distant low level light source. Plus if it was only for an hour the plants probably didnt even notice the little light slip. Dont worry, be happy.........


Active Member
thank's guy's ..... i don't feel good now i work hard man and 2 have this happen is a kick in the ball's it's truly a live and learn thing.. again thank's 2 all tomorrow im going 2 put up pics so feel free 2 take a look i need all the help i can get rottie1

Johan Liebert

Active Member
Settle down nigga. I used to take my plants out at night to work on their cabinet and they would sit for an hour under the same type of bulb, from a greater distance on my ceiling. When they talk about interrupting cycles for light poisoning and hermies and shit they mean interrupting for two weeks or so to put a lot of stress (think confusion) on the plant. You're in the clear. Smoke a bowl and chillax brudduh.


Well-Known Member
well, i certainly wouldnt advise an hour (or evena minute preferably) of light i agree, like i said in the message i sent ya, I'm 99.9% sure your plant will not be effected by it. 1 light leak or interuption can fuck you over, but its very very unlikely unless you have an extremely sensitive strain.