1 month ak 48 ? please tell me how im doing


these are my 4 week old ak 48's.. they have been moved around a little to much i think but im still curious as to what someone with more experience than myself thinks..
during veg they spent 12 hours outside some days more sunny than not "humboldt weather" and 12 hours under a 150 watt hps lights so a total of 24 hours of light..
they all have 8 nodes and i just recently began flowering 12 and 12 for about 4 days..
i also trimmed bug ridden leaves and bottom branches so they look a little light

i am using sensi grow but i just got a little more money so i am going to go get some sort of budding nuts.. any suggestions over all about anything???? i am eager to learn but have nobody to teach. i spend as much time reading your forums as i can. please comment all input it much appreciated...

ps.. masta pig in the back round

pss.. they are all about a foot


Well-Known Member
i see them, looking good for your first grow :D but you might want to get rid of that side lighting and get more light on top, the leaves are starting to curve downward towards the floro

welcome to rollitup, keep up the good work :D


Active Member
Nice work! Now would be a great time to top them if hight is an issue. This will slow the top growth and focuse more growth on the lower branching to fattin her up.

Remember that it is going to grow around 2/3 of its size in flowering so you need to leave room for that. And I agree with majek. The floro you have sitting on the pots would be better used above them or even half way up on the side.

Lookin real nice though. Keep it up and keep us posted!

Ohh yeah... The AK is a great strain. I think you will be very pleased at harvest time.