1 out of 4... something wrong.... help?


Well-Known Member
i've got 4 bubba kush 5 kings kush and 2 train wreck in my box.
i ph water when i feed and i watch the run off, i get the run off around 5.8-6.6

im growing in pro mix. i heard so many people debate weather to use promix as a soil mix and and a soilless mix, so i figure if my numbers are inbetween both it should come out ok. well for the rest of them it works great, this little guy on the other hand, not so good.

im using GH flora series. i know theres some burn on all plants, i have been raising the nute content untill i saw the tips burn, right after i saw the tips burn the next feeding was JUST ph'd water.. going to to that again next time. then the time after add nutes.
temps at a steady 85, then drops to about 72 when lights are off.

plants are 3 weeks since i switched to 12/12 but only about 1.5 weeks since sex showed.
there in 1 gallon pots. i know they are not root bound, last grow the i used 1 gallon pots as well and at the time of chop down the roots where not bound up.

all the plants are good exept this single bubba kush.. it was the runt of all the bubba kush plants.

thanks for any help.

top of plant

side branch

the rest of the plants


Active Member
See the red stem on your leaves. Most likely all of your affected leaves have a red or purple stem. You have nute lock. Flush, flush and flush. Be sure your ph is right. I grow bubba also and she can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Get some sledge hammer by bushdoctor. Good luck!