1 Plant 600w HPS 20L Pot Topped Once - (Was 2 plant for Veg but one was male :( )


Well-Known Member
1 Plant 600w HPS 20L Pot Topped Once - (Was 2 plant for Veg but one was male :( )

realisticly what sort of weight do you reckon i should be getting.. i know no one can estimate my yeild, but im asking from your experience what sort of weight i should be getting... done a good few grows before, this is my first hps

will post pics some time in future


Well-Known Member
Ahhh man I'm goin to tell you now that Chernobyl...... crazy and I'm only in week 1. If your cut is off a great mom I think you'll like it too


New Member
How many weeks veg? What size space you in? What's your medium? Do you have a good nutes schedule dialled? All things to consider...

my mates just finished a jack herer in 20 lt pot with coco using canna nutes, vegged for about a month. He was growing in a 1.2x1.2 m2 tent with a 600, an he got just shy of 14oz...

he prob could done slightly better but def could have done a lot worse!



Well-Known Member
im using a wardrobe thats 3 foot maybe 3.5 foot wide and deep and about 6 foot tall. im growing in canna soil vegged for just shy of 5 weeks,... nutes for veg was miracle grow all purpose i fed every other watering up to about 2 weeks into flower.. now i am using ionic bloom every feed ( see how that goes) then i will be adding ionice boost to the mix for weeks 5,6,7, and then will commence a flush for maybe 1, 2 week i have taken some photes but my phone has died


Well-Known Member
say 5 foot or 5 n half foot mate ; will post a full pic of setup next time, for now just what i have

edit: cant upload for some reason can someon hit me up with the sizes they need to be thanks


Well-Known Member
lookin good now eh - im guna geuss n say we are in week 4 of flowering ( i dont know coz i never marked it down n forgot) but it is around the end of week 4 - if any of you have any around the same age - post a pic so i can compare??? cheers
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Well-Known Member
do they look pollinated to use, im saying this because i has two in there one was male now i dont know if i caught it early enough - i took male out at least 4 weeks ago and all my pistils are still white ( expect the two pistil that come out of the single calyxs near where the leaves join the stem ) these are orange/brown and receeeding slightly, also the calyxs (only the single ones) are all swollen - i cut one of coz it looked massive i fort it may have a seed in - now i opend the calyxs n there was a tiny white cirlular thing in ther but i duno it a seed -

so from pictures would you say they are pollinated??? i dont want buds fulls of beans man