sandhill larry
Well-Known Member
. . . . . . . And just for fun, I took 10 mystery bagseeds and threw em in my garden. I now have 5 baby plants out there, 4 of which are in excellent health. I also took another 10 of a different kind of mystery bag seed and threw a couple in each of 5 makeshift cups (w/ drainage holes) I made, and 7 of those sprouted.
I had no clue that many would sprout but I'm glad they did. It'll be cool to see how they turn out.
I found them under the seat in my friends car. 2 bags with 10 seeds each labeled "reg. 1" and "reg. 2". My buddy told me to keep em and here they are now. These are the reg 2 that I put in cups (yes I'll separate the ones with two seedlings shortly. That was not supposed to happen lol)
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The "reg 1" got put out in the garden to grow up facing the elements are doing just as well as the indoor cup-goers by the looks of it. I'll post pics of those when it's light out.
I know it's pretty late in the season for seedlings to be sprouting but it's some free bag seed so hey why not. . . . . .
I did two kinds of bag seeds last year. But I did smoke the pot they came out of, so I kind of knew what range they would be in. I called them BST1 and BST2. {bag seed testers} Made some pretty good bud, and made some crosses with them. This year I have some of those crosses going, as well as a new BST, SV2, which was a generic diesel. I got 7 sprouts out of the 8 seeds I put in soil on them.
And I'm starting late so the plants will be smaller, and take less water through the hot summer months. But it's been rainy the last couple weeks. I kind of wish mine were waist high right now.
Here are a couple of Peach {BST2 (Big & Stinky) X BST2 FP3} in my JP patch. I put them both in one hole, but leaned them in opposite directions. Need to do it again, but I was in a rush today.

I transplanted a Hurricane Head {BST2 (Big & Stinky) X BST1 FP} into the JP patch this morning. It was topped by grasshoppers a couple of weeks ago.