10 days after planting


Well-Known Member
Okay so I have germinated and planted these 10 Celtic Hash seeds 11 days ago.

How long do I have to wait till I transplant them?

I have been keeping them in a cupboard with 2 flouro's( one at 25 watt and another at 15 watt). I just added the 15 watt flouro one about 3 days ago.

I see that some have yellow at the edges I think that its because its too close to the light. I have been watering them every 2 days.

Any suggestions? Thanks all, I appreciate the time to answer my questions.:weed:


Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
the yellowing could be from overwatering. seedlings don't need much water. try every 3-4 days, u want it to dry so roots can get air. g/l


Active Member
How long after you planted did your plants sprout? I planted my seeds about 3 days ago and still nothing; just hoping I didn't kill it by overwatering.


Well-Known Member
Ya, I just got another 15 Watt, so i have one 25 and 2 15's on each side. The cupboard is narrow so thats probably the most i can fit. I was wondering some of them look as big as the jiffy pots that I planted them in, should I plant them now or wait another 2 weeks so that the smaller ones can catch up and plant them all at the same time?

Also the leaves are touching the lights, is that a bad thing?


Well-Known Member
Yes so after installing another 15 watt bulb most of my plants have yellow tips and are cracked. I think i fucked up by putting another light so close to the leaves.

I just want to transplant as quick as possible so that I don't have to worry about screwing it up.

Heres the damage


Active Member
Have you been adding nutes to your water? Is so.. stop.

I use 2, 75w flouros for seedlings, keep them about 2" from the top of the leaves and never burned them.


Well-Known Member
I used a 15 watt 25 watt and 15 watt all next to each other. I have not been adding any nutrients, just water every couple days.


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to my last attempt :-(. I didnt add any nutes and didnt think i was over or underwatering and they yellowed and died for some reason? I phed the water and have a ppm meter and everything? What is up with that? Anyone know?


Well-Known Member
I switched the cupboard to one thats a bit more higher up about 1 1/2 inches higher. The plants i think are going to do better there.


Well-Known Member
Okay so its been 20 days since I planted and I see that some of the plants have the roots coming out of the jiffy pots into the plastic cups that are holding them.( I have a hole in them so they can drain out).

Should I transplant those and wait a little bit for the rest of them OR keep them where they are and wait another 5-6 days to transplant them all at one time?

Thanks for taking my questions in stride.


Well-Known Member
You could transplant only the ones that need it or all of them. It doesn't really hurt to transplant early but you don't want to wait if they need it.