10% ethanol+distilled h20 foliar feeding technique

Hi, first post after much reading, thanks for all the amazing posts in this forum.

an important foliar feeding technique:
put 10% or even 20% ethanol(or any good alcohol) into distilled water(or any water),
valuable option: add seltzer water(carbonated water)
or any other foliar feeds that do not harm the bud/flowers.

you mist/fog this onto foliage (do not get ethanol onto the soil/roots -it's not good for root chemistry- it's good for foliage, NOT for roots, so protect soil with cover, aluminum reflects light up, can be a good soil cover),
especially mist foliage during cold temps/daylight phase, to preserve your terpinoid oils (smelly medicine off your trichomes vaporizes with alcohol if temp is high).
multiple applications do not harm, no harm was found with higher 20%+ ethanol but we need to look into variations like that.

ethanol mixes with water and there are lots of free electrons in that mix, and in the plants tissues, ethanol gives off electrons to exponentially increase co2 uptake, and increases carbon fixation into your plant's tissues. Photosynthesis requires electrons, ethanol gives lots of them, and a source of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen in the ethanol's structure.. plants love it more than you can express in words..the growth patterns prove it within a week you'll see the extra dimensionality.
a lot, and the depth of genetic expression too. Methanol (wood alcohol) works a few % better than ethanol, but likely isn't good for consumption, but it's a relevant fact noted by researchers.
Use sunlight not just lights for maximum building of the long hydrocarbon molecules cannabis makes. lights do grow weed, but the sun is infinitely brighter, has a more powerful red/gold spectrum for the flowering energy needs. sunlight added to ethanol+ other techne is best, but even in a closet, ethanol aero-techne will astonish you.

plants eat ethanol, and in the aeroponic form, the plants grow totally different with ethanol vapors in the air. you wouldn't believe it but i'll get some pics posted of it. this makes strong case for fermenting wine/grain alcohol into your grow-air-supply. take whole fruit, put them packed tight into sugar solution and yeast.. will bubble like cherry bombs for weeks if you don't cut any fruit. the essence/smells are very sweet and the plants totally eat this stuff up, making for very sweet sugars in the forming buds.

last techne in this topic: take co2 gas stream, put that into a bucket of ethanol. now be very careful to test for flammability with respect to lights, etc, but once you're safe from flammability, the co2 sublimates the ethanol (picks it up, carries into air).. so you can create a 'fog' of dry(no h20) ethanol bonded to co2. during the photosynthesis phase this adds rocket fuel to your bud development.

I suspect you can get an significant increase in density and mass using these chemistries, refining them as they are not widely or deeply researched. but it's true and it works like a champ. when cannabis was evolving, the atmosphere was much richer in volatiles, and they serve at catalysts. ethanol as a catalyst increases air exchange, dramatically, exponentially.
increasing air pressure and density also has similar import.

Increasing O2(oxygen) at NIGHT vastly increases the flowering function, which happens during respiration at night, needs o2, not co2. Even Ed Rosenthal says don't worry about augmenting o2, but i proved in tests it strongly increases flowering at night. it works great. researchers grew pre-historic sized dragonflys in these kinds of conditions. we are truly approaching pre-historic chemistries here, and the theory is you can get buds 5 feet long or at least more brontosaurus sized than just co2 alone.

ok, and in closing, cannabis is a tree, a perennial, not spinach, an annual. the plants hit their stride in season 2 3 4 5.. i have friends with 9 and 10 year old tree plants, football sized colas, growing up in humbolt ca.. dig out the floor in a greenhouse, 10 feet down, and the trees rise up from down to the ceiling. cannabis is not an annual and just like pinecones from ancient trees are big, buds from 2 and 3rd year old cannabis plants are profoundly richer and bigger than first year, much much denser trichome activity, hormones never subside so it's always flowering. the aforementioned big plants do 3 harvests a year. anyway, cannabis, being 349 million years older than us, has potentials very few humans fully comprehend, but we have proof than ancient dinosaurs had nostrils the size of a horse, and in that era, cannabis thrived, probably very tall trees. dinosaurs probably loved ganja more than we know and collected and distributed seeds all over the prehistoric world, i would have.
joseph cecil

legal medical gardener, california


Can you site your references or any studies to back this up, or have you done any tests? Frankly these claims and theories sound extremely outlandish to me, especially the 800% increase in density. If this worked so well, why aren't the big ag companies doing it? An 800% increase in density would mean you are getting 8 times the yield you would normally. So instead of getting 1 or 2 lbs off a 1k, all of a sudden you are getting 8-16 lbs JUST by doing this? That would mean you would be getting as much 7 grams per watt, I just don't buy it.
Hi, yes there are studies(some posted below), look up ethanol, c3, foliar feeding, etc.. it's obscure research, but c3 plants have been shown to greatly increase with a single application of foliar feed. researchers found something like 25%+ increase from few treatments, i found the plants can eat much more of it, hence the theory about 8x mass, bud density being a big part of that. ethanol is dense and rich in things the plants use, 35% oxygen by molecular weight, nitrogen, hydrogen, lots of carbon. the plants have metabolic pathways for ethanol, according to research they make it naturally, we're just feeding them something they evolved with naturally on the forest floor, as jungle floor decomposition puts ethanol and other volatiles into the atmosphere - which synergizes to help the plant

University Study linked above:"Gaseous ethanol penetration of plant tissues positively effects the growth and commercial quality of miniature roses and dill"

in the study link pasted above, radioactive isotopes were tracked in the study, very interesting results. the researchers aren't certain how to optimize ethanol applications, and there is little in depth research yet i think.

a study involving callus tissue and ethanol

this one is likely relevant also.

so I agree with your skepticism, i had to ask why nobody talks about this either.. but it's true. I have noticed a more than 8 fold increase, but haven't done a full flowering with these techniques, so can't prove the % yet but ethanol clearly augments photosynthesis, biomass, makes plant supercharged, i'll work on posting some pictures of seedling tests, they prove it.. it may take me a couple days but will do..