10 ft monsters!


Active Member
Ok so I was a total idiot with my first grow, I literally knew next to nothing, and well I am only a bit better now. Anyway, so I grew my BB PP and WW to over 5ft in veg before I began flower and well I only have 10 ft ceilings. They have been flowering for a few weeks and have gotten BIG. They are too close to my 1000w HPS lights and are feeling the heat, is it a good idea to hang two lights at verticle angle on the sides of my plants or will something strange happen if the light isnt coming from up top? Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
You can tie them down ,I,ve seen it done,10 or 12 foot plants (if stood up) in an eight foot room. The lights were angled from the sides too. Biggest plant I ever saw indoors...


Active Member
I am about three and a half or four weeks into flowering. Can you give me some more information on bending, or a link to a post/article on it? I am trying to make do at the moment by using an 8 bult T5 with bloom bulbs by hydrfarm, and a 1000w HPS a couple feet away shining on the sides. Thank you guys again for the responses, I am new to the hobby and all of this is a great help. I really screwed this batch up, i planted 30 seeds, and after using too little space and vent, having major heat and over fert issues and then flowering way too late, I have these 6 monsters left alive. Expensive lessons at a little under 30$ a seed =)


Well-Known Member
If you're possibly 4 weeks into bloom then bending is probably your only option, or at least the best one. I wouldn't cut it at that late stage.

Once you get set up with the bend, concentrate your lights on the top part of the plant when the plant gets to the point where there isn't sufficient light to cover it all - assumming it does of course. A 1000 watt will cover 5 feet so put it about 2-1/2 feet from the top end of the plant. (I'm not talking about 2-1/2 feet above it, but rather 2-1/2 from the top end, know what I mean?) Add your T5 2-1/2 feet down from that. I made a quick picture to help explain. (Yeah, it's a horrible pic but I didn't want to spend a lot of time on it, you know, besides that, I'm a terrible artist.)

I'll see if I can find some easy to understand info on bending for you but I can't do it at the moment ... I'm already running late ...

I think you can make this work. If done correctly you should even be able to get a decent yield out of it. Sounds like you're going to have to learn some things about nutes and watering etc. but let's try and save this thing first. There are lots of people that I'm sure will chime in to help with their own ideas here. Could be someone even has a better one ... this is all I can think of. Oh yeah, I'm not sure how you are for ventilation but your 1000w light can go as close as 1 foot above the plant IF you have amazing ventilation. For now, and especially since the plant is going to be stressed, I'd put it no closer than 2 feet. The T5s, you be the judge, but don't be getting that plant overheated.

Hmmm ... I'm not sure where that square at the bottom of the pic came from but it means nothing. Let's call it a ballast. LOL



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Ok so I was a total idiot with my first grow, I literally knew next to nothing, and well I am only a bit better now. Anyway, so I grew my BB PP and WW to over 5ft in veg before I began flower and well I only have 10 ft ceilings. They have been flowering for a few weeks and have gotten BIG. They are too close to my 1000w HPS lights and are feeling the heat, is it a good idea to hang two lights at verticle angle on the sides of my plants or will something strange happen if the light isnt coming from up top? Thanks in advance!
i had the same problem. i have 1000wtt. hps & plants r 6ft. tall & r right inside my hood. i have a 20 inch fan that hangs right at my hood to blow heat away. my temp at the top of my plants is 75deg. to 78deg. hers a pic. but not of the fan.



Active Member
you prob could tie/bend the plant shouldnt hurt it. if that dosnt work try finding a bigger room? or just put the lights on the side and mabe a small one at the top light? the plant may like it tell me if it works


Well-Known Member
it should not be a "if" you can bend them lol. If these are ten foot plants than they should be pretty healthy. The plant can handle being bent little at a time it wont hurt it, but do little at a time not all at once. ya digg


Well-Known Member
Son: "But daddy, I want to see the 10ft marijuana plant!"
Father: "Sorry son, ItsTime closed the show early today."
Son: "Aw, shit daddy, that's fiddlesticks!"
Father: "I know son... I know.."


Active Member
Thanks for the diagram and all the great info guys I currently moved an 8bulb T5 over top and a couple 1000w HPSs around the sides I will try bending soon. I am a little slow with pics and the like, but once I get 5-8 of my liquid cooled lighting setups running ill try and post a few pics here and there. Thanks again =)


Active Member
An inexpensive material to use for bending plants is surveyors tape. It is soft and non-abrasive, and easy to use. Another benefit is that the buds lower on the stem will get more light and thus will grow more. I personally would have started bending them long before they got as tall as they are now. be careful when bending as stems can break easily if too much pressure is applied. If you do inadvertently break a stem, it may still survive if you quickly splint the wounded stem. I have used tooth picks and masking tape to splint broken stems and had the buds continue to grow normally. Also, bending plants IMO increases potency as plants will send a lot of energy and resins to the bent parts as they try to right themselves. Here are a pic of my plants trained with bending.
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