100% fool proof way to get rid of Fungus Gnats

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Those little fuckers plagued me for years. Tried everything I could find. The whole thing. Nothing really worked because they are in the coco when you buy it. So you buy the eggs when you buy the coco. Same deal with other mediums. All full of eggs. Ready to hatch and attack your weed plants. I got sick of it. Spent plenty trying to get rid of them.
So I switched to open buckets full of rockwool material. ZERO gnats ever again. I got pretty good at how to fill a round bucket with rockwool squares.
It was well the worth the switch. Yes a bit more per bucket $ wise, but no more bugs. GUARANTEED !!!!
Those little fuckers plagued me for years. Tried everything I could find. The whole thing. Nothing really worked because they are in the coco when you buy it. So you buy the eggs when you buy the coco. Same deal with other mediums. All full of eggs. Ready to hatch and attack your weed plants. I got sick of it. Spent plenty trying to get rid of them.
So I switched to open buckets full of rockwool material. ZERO gnats ever again. I got pretty good at how to fill a round bucket with rockwool squares.
It was well the worth the switch. Yes a bit more per bucket $ wise, but no more bugs. GUARANTEED !!!!
It took me along time to figure out those lil fkers were coming from the eggs in the new soil. Every time it seemed like I had beat them they would slowly come back. I finally figured out it was always one to two weeks after transplant I would see them back. I had always stared down my new soil looking for gnats, I never realized it was the eggs getting me.
Did yall know you can pasteurize coco coir using boiling water in a 5 gallon food grade HDPE bucket with a lid? I have to do this when I grow shrooms and I have never had a gnat problem. Some people bake their sub in the oven. Sometimes I using horse shit in mine, and personally don't want to bake shit in my oven.
For me the amount of boiled water would be a pain in the ass. Honestly the rock wool solution is the gas. Gonzo almost instantly other than the one's in the room already. But they won't last long.
In the long run less costly than buying all the crap marketed for this purpose.
And just pain satisfying too.
In soil I put big tobacco leaves and the flying ones get stuck the them like the yellow sticky traps. I put sand over the soil. Nothing works really. Prevention is best. I water sparingly.
The once in a while I start seeing gnats in teh room on the early warning sticky trap I just dose once with Gnatrol and they're gone. I use ProMix HP mainly and won't take a bag with even a little tear in it. That's where they get in after it's been steam sterilized at the plant. Might be a year or longer sitting around outside before it's sold. Keeping all bags/bales of medium far from the grow room is another way to prevent constant infestation as well.

Gnats are easy enough to deal with but the f'n Borg just drive me nuts. Mites are proof that there is no god.

You could buy good quality coco or soil that don't be stored outside. There are a few that are washed or sterilized before being packed. And then you could also put sand on the top of your pots so no more come and lay eggs.
You could buy good quality coco or soil that don't be stored outside. There are a few that are washed or sterilized before being packed. And then you could also put sand on the top of your pots so no more come and lay eggs.

What about the drain holes? I've watched them coming out of there too with lots of larvae washing out in the runoff. Mosquito dunks ground up and watered in or Gnatrol wipes them out with zero toxicity to you or the pot. You could eat either with no ill effects as they are a bacteria specific to that kind of larvae. Btk or Bti. I can never remember which is for gnats and which is for caterpillars but both do a great job on their target specie.

I've done the sand or DE cover on top and neither stopped them. Always keep a sticky trap in one or two pots for early warning and learn how to identify what may be found on them. I've seen peeps trying to kill gnats when it was fruit flies buzzing around and they don't hurt anything but are damned annoying.
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I love using beneficial nematodes as a drench they will kick some serious ass for fungus gnats but also watering frequency is important. It took me a while to realize that humidity, airflow, temperature, lighting, and watering all go hand in hand

If you can control the parameters of your grow the watering frequency will become more consistent and you will avoid drying out//over saturating your roots leading to dead roots and the production of fungus gnats
I just had my first bout with fungus gnats. They must have hitch hiked a ride from the outdoor garden.
After a little research, it was obviuos that BTi is the best method of eradication.
The Microbe Lift BMC is a BTi bacteria that kills the gnat larvae.
I've used it (~6-8 drops / Gal) for a week now and no signs of the critters now, sticky traps are clean.

100% effective way to get rid of gnats was hypoaspis in my case. as soon as i got them in my indoor ewc bin by chance and using that ewc in my pots never saw a single gnat ever again. and the beauty is they will always be there no matter what. they can die off when there is no food or prey but some will always live and multiply again if food or prey is present. amazing little guys.
In veg?
Sterile res: pyganic and/or azamax
Non sterile: Use beauveria bassiana/Botaniguard or something like NoFly and watch those suckers get engolfed in fungus! :) Kinda cool actually. It works great in humid environments. Can be used with pyganic (4ml/gal) for a "double punch"

In bloom?
Would remove any bleach/hypochlorous acid (if using any) and do a Botaniguard (or similar product) drench, 9g per gallon and double punch if needed a knockout.

You'll know it gets bad when the buggers are flying and crawling everywhere. But there's also tiny rice aphids that are hardly visible.. spawn of something evil. I'd just use the B.B. drench. There could be other products as well, but those have worked well IME.
Can't believe this is such a common issue. Have yall checked your P traps on all your plumbing to make sure nothing is dry? Put some vinegar and baking soda down all of your drains, maybe some bleach after you flush that out
Can't believe this is such a common issue. Have yall checked your P traps on all your plumbing to make sure nothing is dry? Put some vinegar and baking soda down all of your drains, maybe some bleach after you flush that out
Fungus gnats are probably the most common grow room pest. Usually comes from the growing medium but they're super easy to deal with. Not a bad idea to check the P traps though.
Now tell us about how to fight aphids. I need to find a lady bug…
Oops, forgot to reply to your post.. the beauveria bassiana/Botaniguard recommendation is for aphids. You could find a 'generic' version on eBay for about $40/lb last time I checked.

Good luck!

Edit: Found this on Etsy in Canada
Beauveria bassiana 10ml liquid culture syringe

You could use this as a starter culture and colonize your own pint jars using a LC solution (glucose + water) to expand it and could create enough to treat all your plants, house plants included! The fungi works in symbiosis with the plant's health. :weed:
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It took me along time to figure out those lil fkers were coming from the eggs in the new soil. Every time it seemed like I had beat them they would slowly come back. I finally figured out it was always one to two weeks after transplant I would see them back. I had always stared down my new soil looking for gnats, I never realized it was the eggs getting me.
Cut yellow paper shape of your pot turn upside down paper and cover pot .. or on top of your worm castings or fish bone cover them with 2/4- 1/2inch sand cover pot top that will get them bro and you can still feed thew soil sea weed or cal mag