100 Gallon GeoPot Yield?


Active Member
Hello Everyone,

I'm a reasonably experienced indoor grower (5-6 years of solid experience), but this year, my friend and I have started an outdoor garden in Northern California (Sonoma County, to be specific). I have many friends that have done outdoors, but I've heard wildly different experiences from all of them. So, I'm asking for your advice:

Question: How much (roughly) should I expect to yield from 20 100 gallon GeoPots? I'm growing 10 Sour Diesel, and 10 Blue Dream (both purchased as clones from a reputable dispensary). We grew them indoors from mid-late April, and brought them outside in early June, when they were all roughly 4-5 feet tall. We have pretty good sun exposure, and are using what I consider to be pretty good materials (my own custom blend of Fox Farms soil, and Cutting Edge Solutions nutrients). In order for it to be worthwhile, I'm hoping to get at *least* 1.5 lbs. per plant. Ideally, I'd like to get 2 lbs. per plant. 1.5-2 lbs. seems like a reasonable goal for a a large plant (they're probably 6ish + feet at this point, I'm guessing they'll hit about 8-9' by the time they flower). Do you guys think I'll be able to hit my goal? Or, should I brace myself for a sad autumn?



(Here is my 6' 3" friend standing next to a plant, this was taken about a week ago)



I been growing outdoors for 20 years, but NOT in cali. Maine is a bit different I reckon, but general rule of thumb is, the bigger the pot, the bigger the yield. The other, most important rule, is to not count your eggs before they hatch....
That being said... I have yielded over a pound from a single plant in a 10 gallon pot... so 1.5 out of a 100 gallon pot dosent seem like an unreasonable expectation at all.


Active Member
Awesome, thank you so much! I definitely agree about not counting one's eggs, so I tried to come up with a conservative estimate. I've seen plenty of people say you can do 3-4 lbs. in hundred gallons, but that seems excessive, at least for someone that is new to outdoor growing!


I would think with a 100 gal pot, its gonna be more about getting enough nutes & water. And of course... "manicuring" them.


Well-Known Member
I was able to get 10 mason jars from a 30 gal so.... 2-3x that

bubba kush

far right Bubba Kush


Well-Known Member
2 lbs. is a modest goal, you can get that at least. most gotten from that ime is 2.64 lbs but that was a wispy sativa and in mt. not to mention


Well-Known Member
Ive heard other people on the forums say it works out to approximately one ounce for every gallon