100% on Attitude seeds


Hi all, just wanted to stop in and thank everyone on RIU for all the help I'm getting on my grow. I've been growing outside for years now (from clones that have been around the area for 20 years)and at the time I didn't even realize how dumb of a grower I really am. Then about 2 months ago I came across RUI and have been reading on this site EVERY DAY. So after a boat load of reading I got enough balls to actually order some seeds from Attitude. I ended up ordering SS White Russians and Barneys Farm Red dragon. Sure enough in about nine days the seeds showed up in the mail. Then a few days latter I started to germ 5 WR and 3 RD in the paper towel method and in alittle over 24hrs ALL seeds cracked. Then put them in FFLW soil and in another 4 days all 8 seeds sprouted and are lookin' good, but they are only 2 days old. So to everyone on RIU and everyone at Attitude THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your help. And good luck with all your grows. THANKS ALL!!!


Well-Known Member
awesome dude!!! happy growins!

got any pics of your outdoor yields? what strains have you grown before?

SSWR + Red dragon are 2 of my all time faves. Your in for a treat.


Tingpoon, no man I don't have any pics of our outdoor grows. But I'll tell ya, that we've found a honey hole of a spot on the edge of a swamp and the soil there is so awsome that we get plants that end up about 8 to 9 feet tall with nice big buds all over them. We end up putting 8 plants in that hole and we haven't had to buy any smoke for the last 10 years. I can't wait for the end of May to get some Russians and some Dragons in there. So have you grown any Dragons? I went through page after page of the seed and strain reviews, and pages of Attitude seeds and I couldn't find a good smoke report for the Dragons like I could with the Russians, so I'm not real sure why I ended up picking the Red Dragons to order off the tude. So if you can give me a grow report and a smoke report on the Dragons I sure would like to hear one. Thanks.