1000 watt hps without air cooled fan.

Is it ok to not use the cooling fan on (2) 1000 watt hps in air cooled housing? In the summer it is on the whole time the lights are on to keep room temp around 90 but in winter with the fan off it keeps the room about the same. My only concern is getting the lamps too hot? Are they designed to run without the cooling fan on them? Any fire risk?


Well-Known Member
i couldnt imagine that without air cooled. My 600w light will raise the temp in the room 20-30 degrees in 20 minutes without a fan. I have a 4" inline(170cfm) with carbon filter blowing through the light now into the attic and temps stay around 75-78 with the light 12" or so away when its 70-72 ambient.
Well it is getting cold outside and with the lights off in the day the room is down to 60. After 2 hours with both lights on without the fan the 1000 cubic foot room gets up to 90-95, which is good for co2 enriched environment. They are like two big heaters for sure.
yes, there are two recirculating fan blowing right over the tops of the ladies.
co2 is from a 50lb co2 tank dispersed from ceiling on a co2 controller that turns off when carbon filter kicks in mounted on ceiling.
pictures coming...