1000 watts for 4 plant of cronic are good ?


Active Member
but my question are 1000watts are good for 4 plant of cronic ?? and my space for my plant are 3feet per 3 feet that good or not cuz i have this space only


Well-Known Member
oh yea dude 1000 watts for 4 plants is beautiful but 3ft by 3ft u will have a hell of a time with temp control cuz my room is about 6ft wide 6ft across and about 8ft high and that room gets up to 92 degrees without all my air shit i got sooo ull have some trouble there with 1000 watts in 3ft by 3ft but gooood luck dude hope all works out


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think 400w would be plenty, especially with mylar. 1KW will give killer buds, but you may be fighting temps in a big. Basically like running a hot hair dryer in the space at full blast for 12 hours.


Well-Known Member
yea dude to test out to see how hot it will get leave your light on for a few hrs then stick your head in ur grow room and see if u can get a tan in there if u come out melted on the inside and golden brown on the outside its to hot for your plants dude