1000w Jillybean Scrog On a Budget!


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This is my first real grow, I had one prior grow but it was just two plants and didn't work out so well but I learned a lot from that one and and have decided to invest the bit of cash I have and build the best setup I can I have put about $600 into it and that includes plants and 2x 1000 watt hps sets. Forgive me for it being so white trash; any recommendations are welcome!

I dont have a whole lot of cash so I wont be buying too much retail hydro gear...or on craigslist used, if I cant find it used DIY is my other option I'm pretty handy with a background in hvac so the ventilation is not an issue.

Bill of Materials
tent and frame:
8x 10' pieces of 2 1/2" schedule 40 pvc (home depot $2.75)=$22
4x tee fittings (home depot $2.00)=$8.00
8x corner fittings ( $1.10 local hydro store)=$8.80
1x550/ parachute cord (home depot $2.75)=$2.75
3x Tarp Heavy duty reflective 12'x14' (harbour freight $5.99*sale* 7.99 normally)=$17.97
1xGrommet kit( harbour frieght $5.99)=$5.99
Total: [$65.51 before tax]

All together I spent about $75 after taxes and I have enough scrap materials to make a wicked vegbox for next time. we opted not to use the third tent citing we we're really worried about light; the tent is more to keep the humidity in and our 4 month old puppy that likes to eat clones out! Though if you're looking make it light tight you may want to double it up ...especially with the HPS going. The tent measures 4'6"x 4'6"x 6'6" and includes a 2'x4' scrog screen made of bamboo and chicken wire with a cost of about $5.00 to bring the total to $80 for the Structure.


5x 2lamp t8 fixtures I decided to try a few different brands here to get an idea of what works the best, they range in price from $10- $20. Looking at the hydrofarms t5's I figured 2-lamp fixtures would be better for my needs (being able to maneuver them better to distribute light more evenly.also I felt the t8's the best choice because they don't get hot at all and have the best lumen/ watt ratio for my setup.Plus I have 2 extra lamps for $20 less than the Hydrofarms 8-lamp.

Brand one
Lights of america:
no switch fixture:[$10x2] one burned out overnight the first night may just be faulty.
the other fixture seems to be working fine. I will return the burnt one tomorrow.
**flimsy white plastic reflector def' a budget fixture**
lights of america:[$15x1]
fixture with pull chain switch. been using for a week and had no problems.
lightweight kind of flimsy reflector
nice all around fixture sturdy metal reflector best quality (out of the 3)buy these if you can afford them.
the HPS
I bought 2 HPS sets off of a dude for only $160 a piece
Hydrofarms 1000watt sun system yieldmaster II -6" supreme w/ Hortilux "eye" super 1000 watt enhanced spectrum lamps.
**I only plan to use one during this grow**

total lighting cost: $435 [before taxes]
-minus $160 for the the unused light
actual total=$275


Jilly beans
these were actually really nice clones ranging in size from 10" - 14" with good branches all over.
Total Cost of plants=$120


For the scrog itself I will only be using 8 of these plants.
I'm not sure what I'll do with the other 4. anyone have any ideas?
I can rearrange a bit and possibly make about another 2' of space if
need be (as of right now I don't have enough room).
Day one of Scrog:
I have been veging for about 3 weeks and the guy I got them from did the same for a total of 6 weeks so far; under t8's 24/0
The scrog screen is constructed out of bamboo and 1" square chicken wire measuring 2'x4' and the plants are staggered in a zig-zag pattern with about a 8" of space in between the top of the buckets and the bottom of the screen. Allowing me more than enough room to work comfortably below.
Day two:
The plants have been under the screen for 24hrs now. they have grown nearly half an inch over night. I twisty tied the taller ones and have began to pull them in they're prospective directions and have approximately 15% of the screen full. Currently I plan to flower @65-70% due to the growth rate of the Jilly's.
Day three:
darn well people I seem to have had my first foley, the plant closest to the front (and the box fan I have going on low) one of the branches I had tied [loosely] it seems to have dried out too much. I can tell already that the humidity levels are going to be an issue here in SoCal. I have been spraying the plants down (esp leaves) morning and night to keep them plyable and healthy. I will purchase a humidity gauge in a few days to better keep track.
Also, about twice a week I add 1 tsp of superthrive to the mister. Roughly every 3 days I water my plants(not including spraying), one of those days I add 1 tsp superthrive per gallon and in 2 weeks I will add fish emulsion and organic bloodmeal to the mix as I did during the initial blending of my soil.
I am interested in using Sweet and heavy Nutes in the future. Has anyone used them before?

as of right now I only have have of the complete setup going I will explain below:

I have designed a sort of pull out cart to accomodate the small amount of space
the cart will be made of culls I got from home depot for under $5.00 total
and be comprised of wood and two dolly wheels from Harbour Frieght @ $4.99 a piecex2.
the screen will be build atop the cart giving me the ability to slide it out without disturbing the plants.
by pulling the cart from the tent I will have the space to sit and work on the stationary crop and vice versa.
the only issue I have found with this plan is that it will be a few inches higher than than it's counterpart.
the cart will measure:
2'x4' and have a similar screen
I will add a 3" lip o the plants will not slip in transit.
One end of the cart will have to be lifted about 3" over the pvc frame of the tent.
The only other thing I'm uncertain about with this design is attaching the wheels. I think I'll use a piece of all- thread and two nuts.
Pics will be added of my cart build if anyone is interested.


Active Member

an overhead of all of my plants, the extras will be moved asap.

side view
week 6 of veg and day 3 of scrog


Minus the extra plants and now in their final locations


the other 4 Jilly's waiting for their cart and to be scrogged.
week 6 of veg period


nice overhead shot
week 6 of veg period; day 3 of scrog

in addition to my previous post of my BM I also have a box fan to keep it cool and a small computer fan on the intake for right now since it's been chilly this winter
I didn't pay for either item, I found both of them by the dumpster..... the fan actually was from a pc tower that I found and converted into a growbox for about $15 and sold for $100 on ebay.----Be crafty people!

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
my gosh! that first post is pretty looooong... i didn't read it, sorry! i looked at the pics, looks good. i suggest trimming "all" growth under the screen, once the top of the screen fills in, and blocks the light to the lower growth. this will enable the plant to concentrate on growing buds, and not a lot of unnecessary foliage. it also really helps with air-flow.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice on trimming, I do plan to trim once the screen has filled more. as for the long post---lol I wanted to give as many details as possible to maybe help other first time growers, I found a lack of specific instruction. My aim is to add pics a bi-weekly and to update daily.


Active Member
I was told that I should give a disclaimer here
My wife and I are both 215 patients abiding by the provisions within SB 420 here in California.
This Blog is strictly for entertainment purposes and as an educational forum.
These techniques are not advised if you do not reside in a state in which marijuana cultivation for medicinal use is LAWFUL


Active Member
Day 5 Scrog pics

The last is of "the other side"
there has been about 2'' of growth in some areas and I pulled and tucked about 5 more branches/ leaves.
At the current growth rate I expect to switch to flowering in 10 days.
The cart I described for side 2 is near finished I will go to home depot to get a piece of all thread for the axle and affix the wheels.
The growth rate of the other 4 plants for side 2 has been substantial in my opinion @ nearly 3" vertical growth but not a lot of girth.
I will begin to train the plants today as I have found them[Jillybean] to be more brittle than the Dj shorts blueberry that I learned with.
The method I will use consists of weighing the plants down using glide dental floss and bulldog clips.
to begin with you may just want to take a small - medium sized clip and use it to weigh down the branch rather than attaching it to the pot.
This will gradually bend the plant and prevent splitting and crimping. thus reducing stress greatly.
It typically only takes a few hours for the plant to adjust to the weight and allow you to attach the clip to the side of the pot.
[tip] bend only after a good spritz or watering.

pics will be added later today



Active Member
The reason I am bending these and not the first set is because they have really shot up in the past few days, so the height + the added height of the cart will make them about 6'' higher than side one and I plan to only use one of my 1000 watters'
Pretty nice budget setup. I like your disclaimer :) There are so many immature people on this site that like to incriminate themselves, which isn't good for the site or for them.

I was told that I should give a disclaimer here
My wife and I are both 215 patients abiding by the provisions within SB 420 here in California.
This Blog is strictly for entertainment purposes and as an educational forum.
These techniques are not advised if you do not reside in a state in which marijuana cultivation for medicinal use is LAWFUL


Active Member
Well peeps, I got caught up doing other crap this afternoon and will upload pics of the cart and of side 2.
also I plan to water tomorrow.
Does anyone have any recommendations for watering? my current schedule is about a 1/4 gallon per 3gallon pot, every 3 days.
right now at the end of day 3 the soil is dry roughly 1'' down and now run-off in the trays . Is this a good time to water?
Also, I use a garden sprayer to spritz the leaves about 2-3 times a day.....is this good / bad/ not really do anything at all?




You can spray them throughout the day, but they benefit most during the first few hours the lights are on. It is also not a good idea to spray them to late in the day as this can increase the chance of mold or other problems. You should also water your plants earlier in the day. As your plants grow you will easily be able to give them 1/2+ gallon each watering.

Peace out.

Well peeps, I got caught up doing other crap this afternoon and will upload pics of the cart and of side 2.
also I plan to water tomorrow.
Does anyone have any recommendations for watering? my current schedule is about a 1/4 gallon per 3gallon pot, every 3 days.
right now at the end of day 3 the soil is dry roughly 1'' down and now run-off in the trays . Is this a good time to water?
Also, I use a garden sprayer to spritz the leaves about 2-3 times a day.....is this good / bad/ not really do anything at all?


now then mate and your scrog seems to be coming along ok,i would advise to just tuck under rather than tie as it can cause damage to the stems,and to me when you tuck it seems to encourage more width to the plant,here is a pic from my current grow,its 4 sour cream cuttings from my last grow,really nice fast growing strechy plants,ideal for scrog,please feel free to ask for any info,good luck and peace out:clap::clap:
anything i say in this post or my previous posts is all fictonal and untrue,i do this for my own personal amusement.


Active Member
@ Sproad, I noticed the tie broke a branch the first day of the scrog, I will continue to tuck the leaves. Seems to work great ty.

@biologically incorrect my schedule for spraying is typically morning and evening with the occasional spray near lunch if I'm able to.


Active Member
I have a few concerns over switching to flower, my plan was to switch the lights off for 24hrs to begin with and leave them in total darkness during a "transitional period"
I have heard also that weening off the 24/0 cycle would be wise . by cutting the hours down to 16/8?


Active Member
I actually have not tried JB before, the clones I was supposed to get fell through and it was last minute. But they smell really sweet and fruity already.


Active Member
So I just finished the cart for side two, and it works just as I wanted. I can easily remove the row of plants from the tent to access the other row for maintenance.
I save a ton of room this way and plan to implement these carts or a rail type system in my next "expanded" grow thus, opening up an additional 18sqf. and room to house 12 more plants.
I'll have pics up in a few, Grillin some steaks for dinner.
To each is own, but I am far from incorrect. A marijuana plants stomatas are open only when the lights are on, which is when the leaves can actual use the nutrients in the water. This is also the time your plant takes in Co2 Spraying it throughout the day will help keep the plants cooled off & help raise humidity. If you spray your plant to late at night you risk the chance of getting mold or other problems. At night the stomatas close to avoid losing water while photosynthesis is not occurring.

Peace out

@ Sproad, I noticed the tie broke a branch the first day of the scrog, I will continue to tuck the leaves. Seems to work great ty.

@biologically incorrect my schedule for spraying is typically morning and evening with the occasional spray near lunch if I'm able to.