1000w la confidential and green crack


Active Member
just flipped em yesterday, sorry no pix of veg. ladies are in 5g growbags of fox farm ocean forest. using gh's general organics biothrive grow, bloom and cal-mag. also some humic acid and a little leftover biobizz bloom her and there. planning on hitting em with pk13/14 around week four or five. filtered water ph'ed to 6-6.5 after nutes. looking forward to a run without mites. yay no-pest strips! i welcome any questions or comments and will try to post pix every 5-7 days. peace.



Active Member
so pix are kind of a pain. have to resize em so a lot gets cut off or stretched. hopefully ill have a workaround by next week.


Active Member
little more info - room temp 68-80, humidity 60-80%. i let my water sit for 24 hours to let it reach ambient temp and to get whatever Cl the filter missed. veg and propagation done under flouresents, old fashioned t12. next upgrade is some t5s. twice the lumens = half the time. (more or less...) i will train all branches scrog style for that nice carpet effect. also planning on adding a few green cracks in coco this week. want to try the canna out small scale before making the switch but im pretty sure i'll end up going with the canna and coco. and thanks sicc ill try that with the pix.


Active Member
merry christmas or whatever to all. i guess its day 6 in flower. still no mites. merry christmas to me, i suppose. trying to link some pix from today. trying to get a group shot and a top-down of the same lady each time. nice progression effect...also gonna try to get the next set of pix right before the lights come on cuz these really look bad. temps been 70-78 day, 60-65 night, rh between 30 and 70. ventillation really dries it out. anybody got any suggestions for pre-humidifying freshly (intook, intaked, wtf?) air? id like to keep the fluctuation to a minimum. anyway. happy holidays.

sweet. photobucket was just the ticket. thanks "SICC".



Active Member
thanks man. gonna get tight in there though. may have to get a light rail and suspend myself from it to reach the back corner pretty soon...entering a couple babies into the party cup challenge, so ill get to try the canna coco on them. more pix soon.


Well-Known Member
Gonna be a danm Jungle in there, is this your first go with the LA Con?

how much you expecting in Yield?


Active Member
Nobody mentioned your humidity seems a little high to me, maybe that's why you are having problems with bugs, other than that things look good.. PEACE


Active Member
ya. first run with the la conf. i was really impressed with the plants i got the cuts from, so just went for it. change is good. hopefully. with 2k hps and 18 ladies im hopin for 2.25 in yield, but im not really sure what to expect as im not familiar with the strain. just got drippers set up, though, so im gonna be doing somewhat of a scrog which will up the number. i just hope i dont need to get into the back corner...

rH is a little high - im keeping it tight right now cuz its friggin cold outside and to keep the no-pest strips strong. ill set it to vent at 60% when the girls reach 3 weeks. by then all mite eggs should have hatched and died and i can remove the strips.

sicc - i see youre in socal, have you ever ordered seeds? im in cencal and really want some of that landrace malawi for the yard this year. never seen the genetics in person, but kinda nervous about ordering them, as the rest of my operation is medical and totally legit.


Well-Known Member
I haven't ordered any seeds yet, but i plan to eventually, im good for now but its pretty legit, they have a seedbank review section where you can read about other peoples experiences


Active Member
happy new year everybody. hope yall had a good night. cant remember what day of flower it is - 14? 16? something like that...the la confidential really shot up last week. topped em again, so now each has 10+ tops now. im kind of a wierdo, in that id rather have smaller uniform sized nugs than a couple spears and some shake.

got some more pictures. garden shots, tops of the ladies from previous posts, assorted stuff.

one is of my dripper setup. its just 1/4 inch tubing in a circle with 5 1-gph mini inline drippers evenly spaced and a 't' to run to the manifolds. theres a 340 gph pump powering it all. with 18-21 plants, i usually run the pump for about 10 mins, then let it sit for about 30 mins, then run another 10 or so until i get some runoff. seems to water more evenly than just running the res until its dry.

sicc - ive read about ordering seeds, seems pretty safe, but like i said, every other aspect of my operation is medical and legit with my state, and id really like to try to keep it that way. just wanted to see if people i had 'talked to' before had tried. guess ill wait til someone goes to canada.

i need some coffee, a greasy burrito and a handful of asprin. happy new years...



Active Member
its day 20 in flower. hope i dont jinx myself, but i have got to say that this has been the easiest grow i have ever had. since i took care of my mega mite issues and dialed in temp/rH control and redid my ventillation it has been easy-peezy. go figure. planning ahead really does help.
im also trying out a mother and two PCC entries in coco with canna a/b. wow. its only been a week or so that ive had em in the coco and im impressed. its one thing to see your buddies coco grow doing well, but another entirely to move one of your own soil plants into coco and then see it explode. ive decided to do everything in coco for sure next cycle. i will miss the smell of ocean forest though...and hope that my flavors carry over to the coco. thats whats kept me a dirt man - soil seems to be flavor country. anyway. heres how the ladies look today.
first is garden shot, 2nd, 3rd are top downs of the same ladies as in previous posts, 4th is a small green crack (2 weeks left) being dwarfed by the la conf.



Well-Known Member
I have seen some great plants grown in coco, should be a good move

keep the Porn coming :hump:



Active Member
thanks sicc. im really impressed with this confidential. it is a badass plant. very ordered, compact branching and just thriving. supposed to do well in high temps too, which will come in handy when it gets to be 100+ in july. maybe i wont have to shut down for 2 months this summer...wishful thinking. but definitely keeping this strain. unless it ends up tasting like food. i hate herb that tastes like food. well, non-fruity food anyway.


Active Member
they be goin. ladies are fillin out nicely. ive been told to expect another stretch from them at about day 30 so that should be comin up soon. they do seem to be 'regrouping' - i think preparing for this stretch. afterwards ill hit em with some pk 13/14. i sealed my no-pest strips in a big ol jar, mites seem to be completely obliterated. ill hang onto em though just in case. gotta do some rearranging and ventillation tweaks, but ill get some more pix up when im done tonight or tomorrow.
also, looks like i may have to abandon the drippers. about half are clogged already. i guess its the leftover organics are growing something in the lines. even though i flushed the llines with clean water after every feeding. oh well. if it was fully automated the ladies would probably not do as well as i would get lazy and only go out there every couple of days. gotta keep it hands on.
waitin to see how your girls are doin too. 4th internode? they grow up so fast....