1000w MH for seedlings and Purple Stem Question

1)My seedlings are just now coming out of the soil and some still have their seeds on them but the two biggest are purplish I am justing wondering if that is normal I have read mixed reviews so I am not sure to worry or not.

2) I have my seedlings under a 1000w MH is that WAY to much for them to soon ( I have just started an 18-6 light cycle) I have the light about 6ft away( i burnt my last batch with the light and I am trying to figure out how far it needs to be ) I also have them out of the humidity dome should I put them back inside of it or let them be as seedlings ( i have also heard mixed reviews on this)

Thanks :]


Active Member
my seedlings stems sometime purple not sure what it is maybe deficiency but it never effects it goes away over time.
and that probably is a little intense for them i would seuggest getting some cfls or putting them out in the sun in the morning.


Well-Known Member
how far away is the light? if its more than 3-4ft away and you have other plants thats fine just shade them under the other plants, but if you only have seedlings that is a major waste of energy for seedling, get a 26w cfl for 3$ and plug it in till they gt their second set of true leaves.
I just checked on them and one has slumped over but he is still bright green I moved them even further from the light but I am about to switch it out to what you said above. Hopefully the heat isn't to much from the MH already for the one the others are all looking great though! :]