1000watt hps vs. 220 watt CFL ROFL


Well-Known Member
:finger::clap:Can I get a donkey punch for the guy trying to compare the efficiency of a 1000watt hps compared to that of a 220 watt cfl grower... LOL... :wall:

What do you guys think of that comparison:idea:

How can you say its more efficient unless your going for MASS YIELD..

Please come all haters come all thread jackers. Tell us your theory, your practices with photos.. WHORE ME UP


Well-Known Member
The cfl is more efficient than most mh. it has higher par by far. greater lumen consistency and more colour spectrum. Also more lumens per watt with cfl on quality ones


Well-Known Member
Just thought about it more. kinda funny. i pick the cfls 220 now. if all i get is a 1000mh it will burn the hel out of the plants anyways. Thats mostly a joke. real world you know where i stand on this.


Active Member
HAHAHAHA i have 1 1000 and grow chronic and sour desiel. I have a friend that uses CFL's and yields about 15% less each plant he can do a max of 3 with 6 lights. I do usually 24 at a time and average an ounce per plant. some more some less. So go use your CFL's and have fun growing 2 to 3 plants bro. For those of us who smoke weed a lot loke me that aint going to cut it. 24 ounces every 73 days :) 1 1000 Hortilux HPS, 6 foot light mover, air cooled fixture, Grow area 4'X6.5' 4' tall, plants sit about 7 inches away from light when grown, carboncan air filter, pro mix hp with perlite, earthworm castings, and my secret colabaration of select nutrients.(superthrive is the only one ill let out little goes a long way) Who ever is using a metal halide for flower your wasting your time. you ned a red spectrum of light for flowering. MH works well for veg. That and to add it up your 32 CFL's if you dont want to waste your time is going to be more than my 1000 bulb and ballast(got a deal on my ballast)


Well-Known Member
My setup blows yours out for efficiency man with flouro. With 16 plants in 2by4 i can get a pound off of less than 450 watts total power. Thats in 48 days.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe your total power is 1000watts. how much does the mover use and fans. at least 200 more watts


Active Member
Like I said I can care less about efficiency it more than pays for itself. You do not pull over a pound in 45 days. what do you grow. Put your system up against mine and I will produce more than you every time. I will take on any challengers you need to have chronic or sour desiel and we will go plant for plant and we will see who produces more per plant. You wont be the first person to lose i can tell you that.


Well-Known Member
its right here. But i'm doing a seed crop right now. But in a few weeks I'll be growing only females. Check it out. It won't grow 50 pounds or anything but its super efficient. and in 47 days roughly. I compare watt for watt. If i wanted fifty pounds i would move out of where i'm living and do it. 1 gram per watt.
And its 432 watts in there. not 540. it wasn't needed. 17 watt fan and can grow a pound!!


Active Member
hmm taking a week or so for a seeding crop so you dont have a veg room so you cant turn a pound every 45 days i can still turn 2 or more in 75 and 2 or more 75 from there no breaks except for flowering time. once again like I said if you want to step and and go for # of plantsxyieldxtime feel free to accept the callange. you never answered what indica you grew that took 45 days . Try something for me. Get a tan from your CFLS's hows that working for you? ohh thats right my HPS has infared spectrum to. CFL's are good for ladys that thin they are going to get busted by there girls or moms. I will produce more than you anyday my firend.


Well-Known Member
If you even bothered to read the thread he isn't comparing 220w of CFL to 1000w of HID, he's comparing it to 400w. But read the thread, that guy has some pretty interesting arguments and research.


Well-Known Member
I have a vedge room at the top. it uses 1 22watt regular t5. it starts the plants for 12-13 days and done in 58. sorry 455 watts maybe


Well-Known Member
simple minded i see. prof growers. its illigal in nearly every country so i know of none just like you. If you know one then whats their full name and address because its not a prof. sport. Most breakthroughs in marijuana happen in peoples basements who are willing to try new things. why would our systems have to grow the same amount of plants? Because you just looked at my system and know that it is as efficient as you can get without growing vertical.


Active Member
considering a 1000 watt has half the light of the Sun at noon in September your CFL has what the light of a full moon on a cloudy night.


Well-Known Member
If i up mine to 1000 watts i'll get 32 + ounces. you get 23 you said? Thats ok. i got that on my first grow. its kinda weak. like .5 grams per watt with cooling. actually very weak. youve got some catching up to do.


Well-Known Member
You know nothing about light obviously. childish statements out of your head. i am giving fact here and thats all that should be spoken


Well-Known Member
Wrong again. a 1000 has more than the light of the sun on the brightest part of the earth but its par rating isn't 100%. you prob don't know about par or else you would be growing better


Well-Known Member
Sure man you do that. Follow my grow and prove me wrong with your own pics. you won't because i'll tell everyone on this site right now that i will blow you out watt for watt right now and am willing to start a journal right now in front of everyone watching. You up man? you pick the total system wattage and i'll blow you out with my system. everyone here that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sick of children who know nothing of the science behind light