100CLONES!!!need help


Hi boyz its my first time with clones nad my first big grow, they were looing dark green when i got them couple days ago and they are turning kind of pale green im only giving them distilled water and olivia cloning solution every day ,they look like they can be into pots already but why the pale green??? overwatering? or lack of nutrients that i should start giving them asap??? the humidity level is low at this point but since they alreay have roots.... any input much apreciated !



Well-Known Member
Hi boyz its my first time with clones nad my first big grow, they were looing dark green when i got them couple days ago and they are turning kind of pale green im only giving them distilled water and olivia cloning solution every day ,they look like they can be into pots already but why the pale green??? overwatering? or lack of nutrients that i should start giving them asap??? the humidity level is low at this point but since they alreay have roots.... any input much apreciated !

LOOKS GREAT, They r ready for some lite nutes, 1/4 stenght

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
hey bud fox ...just read your post...looks like they could use a touch of nitrogen. i use natures nectur 5-0-0 it sure helps my lite green/yellowing problem! good luck.............................


Thanks ! thats what i thought but had to be sure,allright so i will take more pictures when they are in pots and keep you all updated :)


Well-Known Member
I use instagreen at a weak mix to cure yellow leaves
but fuck that light nute mix I wanna see a 100 plant grow what style you going and what system nice work