104.5 F fever


Well-Known Member
Got bitten by what?/who? are those bumps a rash or bite marks like from a bug? spider? How are you now? Second opinion for sure. You don't want to come down with west nile or lyme disease or some shit.

Is your fever down?
Hope you've got someone to take care of you. Stay hydrated and rest. sending healing your way. :-)
No Ida's what bit me, really. I went to bed one night and i was perfectly fine, the next day I felt it in the waistband of my jeans in the morning when I crouched to pick something up- felt like I had a rope burn or something, when the fabric would rub on it. Fever's gone now. Those bite marks are drying postules! Pretty nasty indeed.

I'm ok now but I have some pretty good headaches a lot. I'm thinking it's just going to be that way for a few days as my body gets back to normal after being at 105 freaking degrees.

I've been drinking a crazy amount of water, and yes my gf has taken great care of me. Thanks for the healing sent my way, I really appreciate it.

I have off from work tomorrow so I'll rest another day to get my energy back.


Well-Known Member
No Ida's what bit me, really. I went to bed one night and i was perfectly fine, the next day I felt it in the waistband of my jeans in the morning when I crouched to pick something up- felt like I had a rope burn or something, when the fabric would rub on it. Fever's gone now. Those bite marks are drying postules! Pretty nasty indeed.

I'm ok now but I have some pretty good headaches a lot. I'm thinking it's just going to be that way for a few days as my body gets back to normal after being at 105 freaking degrees.

I've been drinking a crazy amount of water, and yes my gf has taken great care of me. Thanks for the healing sent my way, I really appreciate it.

I have off from work tomorrow so I'll rest another day to get my energy back.
yeah I'm gonna guess you got bit by a spider, had a reaction, and now indeed your body is recovering and healing itself after fighting off the toxins. Headaches are from body fatigue (again from fighting) and dehydration. Good to drink water. Keep an eye on it though ok? Get a white blood cell count/check in 3-6 months.


Well-Known Member
yeah I'm gonna guess you got bit by a spider, had a reaction, and now indeed your body is recovering and healing itself after fighting off the toxins. Headaches are from body fatigue (again from fighting) and dehydration. Good to drink water. Keep an eye on it though ok? Get a white blood cell count/check in 3-6 months.

I will definitely keep an eye on it. A white blood cell count, huh? Sounds intense. I may do that, but if it involves removing large quantities of blood from me I may pass :)

Edit- thanks for your concern by the way - it's internet endearing!
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Well-Known Member
I will definitely keep an eye on it. A white blood cell count, huh? Sounds intense. I may do that, but if it involves removing large quantities of blood from me I may pass :)

Edit- thanks for your concern by the way - it's internet endearing!
Nah, not a lot of blood, just a standard sample, like when they look at cholesterol, etc. If you white cell count is off they can look for infection and catch it earlier that way. You're young and healthy, I'm sure you're fine. :-) Just a precautionary measure, that's all.


Well-Known Member
No Ida's what bit me, really. ...
Sounds and looks like you got nailed by either a black widow spider, or maybe a brown recluse. Both can have the same kind of impact you report, and the bites look pretty similar to what you show in that pic. While the bites CAN be more severe, it all depends on the amount of venom they manage to get in ya'.

Keep it clean, drink water, and keep some ibuprofen in your system to fight inflammation.


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks for the info. It's shitty whatever it was that's for sure. It already got infected, not sure if everyone realized that or not but that's why I got so fucked up. I'm on antibiotics now as we speak. Alright, back to bed.