10x16 room in flower - heat and power - what set up?

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
I do not like HPS/HID but going full COB LED is a bit pricey. I want to slowly migrate in that direction w legal MMJ set up.

I am currently running 4 x 1000 watt HPS with old Hydrofarm 6" fixtures.. The room is hot at night but winter is coming this week. The room is burning 4000 watts of elec and about 400,000 lumens

One of the CFL guys pointed out that even with CFLs you can get real close and with HPS you are getting the same power because you have to be further away. The grow is for yield, quality and speed.

I was considering

1. 6 x 400 HPS. - 2400 watts. 280,000 lumens? Not a great option but spreading the light around.

2. 6 x 315 LECs with Parabolic 45" umbrella fixtures and bulb pointing down for coolness. = about 1900 watts. The 6 LECs should be close to 6 x 600 HPS. The LECs should be cooler. Not sure how many lumens. 33,000 each??? x 6 = 198,000??


3. I doubt 8 bulbT5s with Flowering bulbs can give me the horse power I need. Assuming it could work 7 x 8 bulb T5s pushing 7 x 40000 lumens = 280,000 lumens at 3024watts.

Maybe using some light movers with each set up.

I would love 30 Timber DIY COBs or a home made rig with Crees or Citizens but that may come later. The goal would be to replace one or two fixtures a month.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
It might not help but I've personally done the multiple 400 watt fixtures and after what I've seen I also have no desire to run traditional hid lighting but I've learned alot about using a mover and how to get the most of a single light I've learned that I can get better buds for less money with a single 400 watt bulb in a 4x8 tent than with two and the simple reason is heat with the light on a mover my plants can grow within inches of a bare 400 watt bulb 1474602342620-870216352.jpgwith that being said I've only found 1 light that is not traditional that gives better results with as similar watt usage and is more versitile and cam still be ran on a mover it's a solar storm 440 movers can only handle so much weight