12/1 for veg. anyone doing this?


Active Member
I was reading an article that talked about using a 12/1 light schedule during veg. It says you only need 13 hours of light (12 on, 5 1/2 off, 1 on, 5 1/2 off) the one hour on in the middle keeps it in veg. Should save a good amount of power and growth is supposed to be great. It also talks about flower at 11 on and decreasing down to 9 on more like nature.
just curious if anyone uses these schedules.


Active Member
It talked about copying nature, plants never get 18-24 hours of light. Just a misconception urged by higher ups. They only need 13 hours to stay in veg. And the majority of growth is during the dark hours. The weird schedule of on, off, on, off is what confuses the plant and makes it effective. Just like rose growers, if they used 18-24 hours of light, roses would cost $75 a pc. to cover the power bills. The article was by a respected o.g. in skunk magazine.


Well-Known Member
growth is supposed to be great
Compared to what?
I'm kind of skeptical of anything that says give the plants less than 12 hrs of light when flowering, it just means your plant will have less energy to grow with from my experimenting with it. It doesnt make them finish any faster either.
Its possible they may have done something different though so im still interested. do you have a link to the article? I'm open to new ideas.


Well-Known Member
Well I just had a plant flower with 13 hours of sunlight... so... yeah.
A plant pretty much needs something like 10-12 hours of uninterrupted darkness to flower imo, which is why your crazy system would work. Probably would be detrimental to growth though, but hey, go ahead and try it.


so i flower under 13/11 13 hours on 11 off................is that the same thing you talking about vegging with ?


Well-Known Member
It talked about copying nature, plants never get 18-24 hours of light. Just a misconception urged by higher ups. They only need 13 hours to stay in veg. And the majority of growth is during the dark hours. The weird schedule of on, off, on, off is what confuses the plant and makes it effective. Just like rose growers, if they used 18-24 hours of light, roses would cost $75 a pc. to cover the power bills. The article was by a respected o.g. in skunk magazine.
bull, you show me a plant on 13/11 that grows faster or as fast as a plant on 24/0


Well-Known Member
I started a little 4x4 grow under the 12-1 thoery, so we'll see how it goes. It's in the organic section. 4x4 Grape Ape grow


Active Member
You have to break up the veg time like 12 on, 51/2 off, 1 on, 51/2 off. If you just did 13 hours straight it will probally flower. You need to remember Mary Jane is an outdoor plant. Do you get 24 hours of light outside? But it still grows outside right, same goes for flower times, copy nature. Dark rest periods are just as important as light hours. 24 hours of light just stresses plants, wastes power and bulb life. We need to look more at commercial gardening, following professional growers not online pot enthusiasts.


Active Member
Ill definitely be watching wheezer. I haven't tried yet myself, just an interesting article I read. I'm gonna try it soon.


Well-Known Member
Plant in alaska are under 24/0 in summer in some places. the reason plants outside get bigger is because the sun beats the hell out of even our best lighting. just because they dont get 24/0 in nature in most places doesnt matter anyway though, results matter. I'll believe a plant under that schedule will grow faster than one under 24/0 or 18/6 when i see it. in nature cannabis is also meant to make as many seeds as possible and thats the main focus, continuing the species, do we do that indoors? no, we are growing for a different reason than nature, optimal conditions=optimal returns, which is what we are after.


Active Member
I hear ya, I still use 18/6 and 12/12 , and am a believer that indoor organic beats outdoor anyday( sure to piss off someone with that line) but that's my opinion. The Guy swears by this method, and said its widely excepted( first I heard of it) I was hoping some riu growers were doing it so I could see results.

hope full

Active Member
o ya and by the way the sun puts off 10,000 lumens per square foot on a nice sunny day, thought id throw that in there