12/12 from rooted clone question.


Active Member
I took my first cuttings for the first time a month ago and i put them under a 40watt fluoro for a month on 18/6 light cycle and when they rooted and grew in vertical height i put one into a water farm on a 12/12 cycle. Now i see more pistils growing even though it's only 3 inches tall, will the clone not stretch to be 2 to 3 times it's size while flowering like seedlings do?


Well-Known Member
Was the plant you took the cutting from in flower or veg? If flower it may take awhile to "reveg" on 18/6. If the "mom" was in flower how long had she been flowering?


Well-Known Member
24/7 will keep the pistils at bay. I don't know if this helps but when I take cuts of flowering plants they take another entire month to get through veg.


Well-Known Member
130204-0711-16.jpgNot sure what strain this is, think it might be Pato#1, but it is 16 days from seed popping. I have not done many clones but the ones I have done do lag a bit compared to seeds. It may be my lack of skill though lol, when I was doing outdoor grows clones did real well!


Active Member
Stretching as you may already know is the onset of flowering which is induced by 12/12. It should start a couple days after flowering is induced and last anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks. What is the root system like on your clone? Was it taken while mom was in veg or flower. What strain? The general answer to your question is above, but the other factors very much matter. It should happen immediatly though.


Active Member
Sometimes clones that were stressed early don't get nearly as big as seeded plants do. They just don't always grow with the same vigor. I had this happen with a pineapple skunk plant from humbolt seed organization. The seeded plant was like 5 times the size of its clone.