12/12 oder question


Well-Known Member
You won't notice much difference switching to 12/12. It takes a good 4-5 weeks of full bloom before they really start to smell. The trichomes and resins are what give the plant its funky smell.


Well-Known Member

I am in my 4th week of flower and did not run my filter setup untill a couple of days ago, before that, just a green plant like smell with a hint of nutes was all I could smell. Now if I turn the filter setup off, in just a few seconds, it fills the room with a strong, sharp, kinda funky weed odor.

Peace and Stealthy Grows



Active Member

I think its strain dependent. My Chemdog grow, the plant stunk up my house after the 4th week of veg. When I switched to 12/12 the smell went completely away until week 3 or 4. I remember this because my wife complained so much about the smell.

I'm growing Sweet Purple right now, and even into 6th week of flower hardly any smell. But it is becoming more noticeable and I'll be putting the fan with carbon filter on pretty soon. So far wife is a little happier with this grow. :bigjoint:

- SB -

mikey moe

Yeah ,during veggitation the whole house stunk even when u where outside u could smell it outside at the door and I.don't.have a.air scrubber, trying to save money , if it gets bad ill have to.get one.:......