12-12 question


Well-Known Member
as title says i have a question on 12-12, i made the switch on the 4-5 of oct, before that they vegged for about 6weeks, one i was almost positive it was female, 1 was probably a male, 1 might be a male and 1 still no idea yet, about how long after 12-12 do i have to worry about the male pollonating everything?


Well-Known Member
Depends how soon you see de nutz.
If you know it's a male, why not remove it now, and eliminate all chance of it pollenating?


Well-Known Member
well im almost positive its a male. its hase the 2 things that always stick out by the node, and then on the top where i topped it the two ones there look like spear heads, or a spade on a stick or smoething like that which im guessing is a male, even tho all seeds were feminized.


Well-Known Member
Well when you see those little balls in clusters, soon after
pollen powder will be blowing all over your tent, or whatever
You have. The slightest movement and powder everywhere.
But you have some time between knowing 100% and being
In danger of being seeded.


Well-Known Member
will most likely yank whenb light come on. might only actually have 1 or 2 females this round in a 4x4 with a 600w not what i was expecting and if that was the case i would of vegged longer... oh well i got some autos ill throw under 12-12-


Well-Known Member
All were fem seeds, but also freebees. So I guess im not to upset but I am at the same time. Out of 4 I might only get 1 or 2 females.