12'x8' Grow Shed


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I'm here in need of some ideas for my new grow space. I recently just completed a 12x8 grow shed in the garage. And now that it's finished and I finally have some plants getting ready to flower inside I'm dealing with some environment inssues.
I placed 4 plants in it 2 days ago under a 600 watt HID inside a 4x4 tent. And the shed is so well sealed and insulated that it's holding alot of heat and moisture so I need to start exchanging air throughout the shed and out. What is the best way to do this?

I also plan on having a full set up inside the shed. So I will be adding 3 more tents, one more 4x4 and 600watt hid for flower, and two 3x3 with 400s for cloning and veg. So I'm gonna need alot of air exchange and cooling down with some good odor control as well.

I was thinking maybe of putting in a window and just cracking it a bit to cool the room off as it is winter and cold in my area that shold be no problem. And then in the summer when it gets hot just throwing my ac unit it to cool it down. And then I was also gonna add a large cfm fan on the top of the shed pulling air out and into a carbon scrubber to neutralize odor. Will this work?

All help is apprecaited!
So is the shed still inside the garage?

I have a shed the same size make sure you still have room to work .

I filled mine up in the flower section and it made adjusting lights and everything else a big bitch.

Instead of spending cash on tents I sectioned mine off with a 8x8 flower room and a 4 X 8 entry with an area for veg .

If the shed is outside humidity will take over fast so a dehumidifier is mandatory because if you try to exchange the air enough in cold weather it makes your room too cold.

Since mine isn't even completely finished I've already thought of some new things to do .

To heat the oncoming cold air I'm thinking of a passive air intake that wraps my veg room like a double wall so
Very cold air can warm some then I'll route it back though the veg room over the veg light to further warm the air then it will make it to the flower room .

Dunno I'm actually working on finishing this weekend so I can get another set started.

BTW in the summer the ac would be helpful it did get hot in mine this last summer ( northern Temps are 70 with 80and 90 being real hot
Haha hey thanks cold$moke you made some good points. I'm not too worried about the cold air coming in because I have a baseboard heater wired to a thermostat to kick on whenever the temp drops below 65ish. I was hoping that with enough air exchange I wouldn't need the humidifier but if I do I'll get one. The shed is still in the garage just for privacy purposes.
I'm thinking the window might be a good start. I don't wanna cut too many holes in the shed for duct fans in case it does get too cold which I doubt it would once I have 3 more lights in there.
I guess I could always just duct the heat out of my tents through the roof? I'm really gonna have to play around with it to see how it works!

Best of luck with yours! Let me know what works out for ya!
Well shit if it's inside you'll need to worry about just keeping it cool which ventilation and or ac should be able to handle

Humidity rises with temp drop so you might not need to do more for humidity also. :).

I used a gabel vent from home Depot looks like it's supposed to be there cause it is . Just need to make a connection for ducting not hard.

I think your biggest issues (without really knowing) are going to be heat when the lights are on .

Since you want to use tents you'll probably have to make a ducting manifold to connect the tents? Don't know never thought of putting tents in mine except for Mabey the veg section or if I wanted to do some seed making (not likely)

Good luck to you as well man
Well shit if it's inside you'll need to worry about just keeping it cool which ventilation and or ac should be able to handle

Humidity rises with temp drop so you might not need to do more for humidity also. :).

I used a gabel vent from home Depot looks like it's supposed to be there cause it is . Just need to make a connection for ducting not hard.

I think your biggest issues (without really knowing) are going to be heat when the lights are on .

Since you want to use tents you'll probably have to make a ducting manifold to connect the tents? Don't know never thought of putting tents in mine except for Mabey the veg section or if I wanted to do some seed making (not likely)

Good luck to you as well man
Hey thanks yeah I just went to the local grow shop today and picked up a 8" duct fan and 8" carbon filter, some ducting and a vent for the roof I'm gonna hook up today and that should hopefully take care of the smell and some of the heat issue. If I still need some extra cooling I'll add another fan and vent and pull air in from outside.

All probably add a window if I need too when it's closer to summer.

Thanks for the help!