14 days from seed clawing


Hey guys, I am sad that my first post on here has to be to ask for help on a problem, but never the less.
My 2 week old from germ autofem short rider plant is showing signs of a mix of slight disscoloration on leaves (only visible in certian light) and a slight claw at the tips.
This is my first grow and I am growing in a 5gal DWC bucket in a 10 inch netpot. My light source is a 96x3w LED reflector light.
I recently added the nutrients and had slightly raised the water level approx 1-2 in above the bottom of the netpot for a day or 2. My thoughts being since the 10in netpot is so deep, the plant would need help actually getting to the water.
After noticing the clawing I imidiately thought that I may have accidently added too much of the nutes (added at 1/2 strength for flora grow trio) specifically when a bit extra of the micro spilled into the bucket over my tsp... as it is the one with the high nitrogen levels i suppose the clawing is to be expected...
I have since diluted the bucket and re phd to 5.5 at 310ppm, and dropped the water level to about .5-1in below the netpot so the bubbles splash the botom.

I guess my questions are: should I try to flush out the root system a bit if the remaining excess nitrogen or should I leave it to avoid overwatering?
Do I need to wory about this situation stunting the growth of this little tranny and ruining the vegatative growth before it's internal clock says its time to start flowering?
Should I invest in some cal/mag due to this being a LED grow?


That is not clawing. Everything is okay.
I know it is hardish to see in this picture, but the leaves have been getting yellowed towards the end and have burnt looking tips. Since I diluted my bucket could this be nutrient defficiency? The leaves were droopy all around. I am using the schedule below as a guide using the half strength site of the table.
I just remixed my nutes and everything for week three and added 9ml/gal of cannazyme as well as 3ml/gal of CALiMAGic



New Member
I would run some recirculating hoses and a pump with a spike to even further oxygenate the water they lov oxygen then i would chill i love cal mag but most need ph down because it is a ph buffer and leave it at 5.5 ph i like tracepack it seems to promote roots at the least take a cup and get some water from the bottom an. Put on the rocks just what works for me use light firts


I would run some recirculating hoses and a pump with a spike to even further oxygenate the water they lov oxygen then i would chill i love cal mag but most need ph down because it is a ph buffer and leave it at 5.5 ph i like tracepack it seems to promote roots at the least take a cup and get some water from the bottom an. Put on the rocks just what works for me use light firts
Yeah I found that it was likely a PH problem and nutes getting ignored because of it. I brought the PH to 6-6.2 now for better absorbtion. My rez temps were running on the high side aswell (23.5 C), I know this screws the oxygen absorbtion aswell. Just popped in an Ice bottle. Making an insulator box out of an old cardboard box (perfect size for 5gal) and tinfoil. I am not as worried about the possible root rot that might take place in that temp range because I am supplementing in Cannazyme.



rather the PH raised from my 5.7-6.2 after I left it alone...
gonna go put it back to at least 5.8-5.9
it's at about 650ppm at 5.7-5.8 right now
deffinitely am going to need a stronger pump now though.
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Well-Known Member
rather the PH raised from my 5.7-6.2 after I left it alone...
gonna go put it back to at least 5.8-5.9
it's at about 650ppm at 5.7-5.8 right now
deffinitely am going to need a stronger pump now though.
dont feed that nutes now or its gunna shit it self ;)


Well-Known Member
and i hate how people start seeds straight in dwc then complain about problems i veg for 3 weeks from seed in a rock wool cube then into the dwc never a issue


dont feed that nutes now or its gunna shit it self ;)
lol the nutes have been in...
the typical week 3 half strength of the gen hydro flora trio...(2.5ml/gal grow, 2.5ml/gal micro, 1ml/gal bloom) as well as 3ml/gal of CALiMAGic.

and i hate how people start seeds straight in dwc then complain about problems i veg for 3 weeks from seed in a rock wool cube then into the dwc never a issue
This is my first grow. I figured I might as well learn in a medium that I eventually wanted to be doing eventually.
Supprisingly this was going fine up until the day my netpot got knocked over... that's when the lower stringly inch or so of roots got marred. especially since this is an auto I am supprised it isn't completely destroyed it's growth rate...


Well-Known Member
lol the nutes have been in...
the typical week 3 half strength of the gen hydro flora trio...(2.5ml/gal grow, 2.5ml/gal micro, 1ml/gal bloom) as well as 3ml/gal of CALiMAGic.

This is my first grow. I figured I might as well learn in a medium that I eventually wanted to be doing eventually.
Supprisingly this was going fine up until the day my netpot got knocked over... that's when the lower stringly inch or so of roots got marred. especially since this is an auto I am supprised it isn't completely destroyed it's growth rate...
after about 3-4 years of dwc bubble and aero ponics i gave up on it and moved into substraigts i may get a few grams less then my dwc or bubble but i tell the it tasts heaps better looks better and aint the same tasting hydro crap that every1 seems to be getting


New Member
Yeah that sucker should take off man roots kinda like it warm but its good to chill after a day or so change water weekly


New Member
Uhh could you lay off the bloom hydro likes tracepack cause it dont get it in water age old hydroponics sells tracepack cheaply


Yeah that sucker should take off man roots kinda like it warm but its good to chill after a day or so change water weekly
yeah I narrowed it down to a PH problem... I kept reading online that ideal is 5-6...(for freakin soil!!) so I kept dropping it to low and was burning the plant with acid. I also backed of my grow light a bit and the little lady seems to really be happy now. Only green happy leaves!


Well-Known Member
yeah I narrowed it down to a PH problem... I kept reading online that ideal is 5-6...(for freakin soil!!) so I kept dropping it to low and was burning the plant with acid. I also backed of my grow light a bit and the little lady seems to really be happy now. Only green happy leaves!
was gunna ask ya is that pond rock or coral rock or white larva rock ?