14 days old now. 2 x 23w CFL. 2960 lumens?


14 days old now. 2 x 23w CFL. 2960 lumens. Watering every second day.

Should I move to bigger pot today and am I doing this right lol



Well-Known Member
Add more lights! You'll need em. One plant per, I'd say 5 23w CFL. But I would repot into an "airier" medium. As said above, you need some perlite in the mix. But overall, they look healthy. Nice tight node spacking so far. And with more cfls, you'll be pleased by the outcome! They give nice short internodes and a good bushy stance. Add some let, and you have a really good possible yield. My last grow was 6 23w CFL on one plant and added 3 more the last two weeks of flower, wish I had em durin veg, but I got about 3/4 maybe a little more of an Oz from her. Happy growing!