149 watt Mini Fridge stealth


Well-Known Member
So here's the mini fridge. Pictures are outta order I think but they're here. Started with two OGK clones and one HP clone. The HP was in bad shape when I got it and stunted and started turning hermie so it had to die. Everything was going well until I realized that there were signs of Thrips.... little fuckers must have been on that struggling HP clone. Anyway after multiple cleanings of the whole fridge and two OGK plants, and adding sand to top of soil, there have been no more signs of living Thrips. Also planted 4 seeds a while back, they are now about a month old..three of four popped and I just had to kill a male so two left. The seedlings were thrown into the fridge at 12/12 from seed just to see how they do under that lighting regimen as experiment so save ur breath if ur gonna shit talk 12/12 from seed as many people do.... but to everyone else thanks for stoppin by and taking a look. The OGK's are now about 4 weeks into flower. Not the prettiest grow (thanks to those god damn thrips) but its workin pretty well. Thanks again - Herbie


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Oh and sorry forgot to mention that the current youngsters are*BC God Bud and the other one is unknown from Vancouver Seed Bank's "indoor mix". And all bulbs are 2700k cfls... have always used em, always work well. Peace n happy smokin!
Hey man 12/12 shouldn't be shit talked.. I think its a very affective way to get fat nugs fast, and fresh!! :leaf:
You should take pics of the whole fridge, to see what you're working with.
Hey man 12/12 shouldn't be shit talked.. I think its a very affective way to get fat nugs fast, and fresh!! :leaf:
You should take pics of the whole fridge, to see what you're working with.

Sure dude i'll take some more really soon. And any questions on the set up just lemme know. Peace
Here's the specs on the fridge set-up, ... in case anyone wants to know.
Height about 3 ft
Width about 19"
Depth about 16"
Custom removable box pot that's about 2.4 gallons (the shape is all over the place and I did my best math to find volume... could be a little less or a little more)
Fixed 1 gallon pot. I jigsawed out a hole in the step up part of the fridge and sealed er' in... originally planted directly in it but now I just drop another 1 gallon pot inside of it so it can be removed for flushing etc..
Lights: 3 42 watt cfls and one 23 watt cfl on socket splitters... all 2700k all the way thru
Ventilation: 3"X2" passive intake port and a big 5" inline exhaust fan mounted on the back
Medium: soil. Shultz potting soil plus. All seeds or clones started in peat pucks (LOVE THOSE THINGS)
Nutes: 20-20-20 blue powder once a week
Flower nutes: 2-45-28 kool bloom pink powder once a week for last couple weeks only (pretty hardcore shit and works very well but will burn the shit outta everything if not used carefully)
Top soil: sand (paranoid about thrips now and will be from now on)
Water: we've got good water here in BC but leave it out over night anyway.
Seeds: one BC God bud ...female for sure now :-) and an unknown unsexed seed from vancouver seed banks indoor mix. Both youngsters from seed are under 12/12 from seed.
Clones: 2 OGK with 3 weeks veg now a month and a bit into flower.
Temps: max temp with lights on is consistently 74-76° and lows during sleepin' time is about 62° (gotta thank the 5" inline fan for keeping such good temps)
..... k that pretty much covers everything. If I missed anything just lemme know. Peace ya'll
Gratz on the girlie! Anxious to see the flowering of the god bud.
Good luck :lol:

Ya man pretty stoked on the BCGB being a lady.... the other one from seed still hasnt shown any guaranteed signs of sex which has me a bit worried. Hopefully just a late bloomer. Keep ya posted peace
nice dude, nice to know there are more of us around.....I got my mini fridge from the tweaker scrapper that came and picked up my broken washer, gave it to me free and I love it.

Used to use cfl's but went LED bulbs :peace:

good growing
nice dude, nice to know there are more of us around.....I got my mini fridge from the tweaker scrapper that came and picked up my broken washer, gave it to me free and I love it.

Used to use cfl's but went LED bulbs :peace:

good growing

I know those guys. The kinda guy that rolls around in a 2x4 truck with so much shit in the bed the leaf springs turn into ironing boards.
I know those guys. The kinda guy that rolls around in a 2x4 truck with so much shit in the bed the leaf springs turn into ironing boards.

I bet you know then that most die-hard scrappers drive some raggedy ass POS's sometimes, but this was like an 89 4 door Corolla, lofl. Not many people put balltongues on a 89 faukin Corolla. Little trailer with those 10" Tires, not wheels and he had a stack going 3 high. WTF? but he had that fridge....
Now that's taking it to a whole new level. Bet his 40+ year old truck took a major shit.

sorry to thread jack but these dudes are freaking hilarious.