15m2 Room design help


Hello RIU!

Me and my budies are experienced small space growers and due to convinience reasons were thinking of moving to bigger spaces in joint-op.

We have 3x5m space and will be building enclosed cabinet with around 15 plants growing in 3-5 nft systems. We use periodical grow method instead of continuous harvest.

Most of the stuff is figured out but there are still few questions unanswered.

Firstly, what would be the best lighting solution? Because of the grow location max consumption can be 3000w. Would 5x600w hps be the best?

How big would the exhaust fan have to be? Also would we need a seperate fan for intake or is passive one enough?

And just as added one, what strains would you pic? We want to yield good naturally and it should be a good puff too :) Moby Dick from Dinafem and Blue Cheese from Barney's were in lur minds.

Thanks for all the help in advance! :)


Well-Known Member
what about all the other electricals, fans pumps etc?.

if you only have 3000w to play with i would think 3x 600w will be your max for lighting, don't want to get close to the rated amperage in case something trips while you are away and there is no light/ air circulation


Well-Known Member
With a limit of 3000w on that space I suggest reconsidering periodic and go for a perpetual setup instead. For example 4x600watt hps for the flower area, leaves 600w for the clone and veg areas. But as the previous poster pointed out, if that 3k limit is hard you will have to account for the exhaust and fan too. Exhaust depends on the size of the space (i.e. height as well) and the lights you end up using.


Thanks for the answers!

So that 3000w is for lights, the other ones are already covered and that is for lights with a hefty safe marginal.

Oh stupid me...In cubic cm the volume is 37,5 cm3 (3x5x2.5m)

Perpetrual is unfortunateöy out of question :( I live in Nordic Europe and the amount of plants is a huge factor when it comes to the penalties. 15 plants for three gets you a fine and a slap tp the wrist. +60 small ones and you get jail time.


Well-Known Member
5x 600w lights should be good then, better than having 3x 1000w lights imo.

if you want to keep numbers low i would say try 15 with a 1 month veg time, if you aren't happy with the yield veg for longer lol.


Well-Known Member
So that 3000w is for lights, the other ones are already covered and that is for lights with a hefty safe marginal.

Oh stupid me...In cubic cm the volume is 37,5 cm3 (3x5x2.5m)
For us metric guys it's a little easier. I would get an exhaust of roughly 2400m3h-3250m3h (i.e. roughly 1 m3h per watt). That's however for a space that would suit 3000 watt and assume as carbon filter and based on Dutch climate. I have a dimmer so I can slow it down during the winter for example. 5x600 watt covers roughly half your space 1.2x1.2 meter per bulb is 1.44 x 5 is 7.2m2. Obviously need some walking space to reach the plants, but, you could consider making the space smaller by adding a wall (also to add reflection). For example make a small area for trimming and drying.


Thanks for the info Sativied!

After some remeasuring the actual size turned out to be 9.5m2 so that should be sufficient for those lights with some space left to work in.

You got us wondering about perpetual growing. How would you compare the yield per month versus "traditional method"? Also what would be the reguired amount of plants to achieve a proper yield? Currently we aim for roughly 1.5kg per three months but if perpetual grow style exceeds by a lot we'd might have to reconcider.