16 plant grow


New Member
me and my buddy are looking to start a 16 plant grow, we are rookies to the game but have did some research on what we should use and what we could possible yield form are grow. So please correct anything that you see is wrong or what you would suggest to be different.

we are looking to buy 2x 1000 watt hps lights for are 16 plant grow, we are also looking to use a grow tent but we need some help on what size are tent should be for this size of grow/lighting. Are goal is to yield 8oz from each plant.

Also please list what type of soil you would recommend for us and other things that you would recommend for us to buy for are attempt to grow.
start smaller , and do lots of reading prior to buying things or sprouting seeds.
16 plants, for a brand new grower with no prior gardening experience youll probably suffer a lot of issues.
prob best to start small and manageable like 4 -6 plants.

generally 2 person operations dont blow over well , but thats all i all say about that esp if youre not legal.

you have rollitup as a resource for information we have plenty of threads and tutorials
i suggest you start reading the top pinned threads are usually pretty good

growweedeasy.com is also a good well written website.
READ these first!





The first one deals well with set ups.....When you get to the part about "Flushing" close your eye's and move to the next part.
The second does very well on the actual growing and less on set ups

The last 2 deal with organics and are a MUST read if your going that route.

Now get an African Violet and when you get that to flower indoors. you can begin your cannabis growing adventure.

AND - What Sunni said is very, very true!
me and my buddy are looking to start a 16 plant grow, we are rookies to the game but have did some research on what we should use and what we could possible yield form are grow. So please correct anything that you see is wrong or what you would suggest to be different.

we are looking to buy 2x 1000 watt hps lights for are 16 plant grow, we are also looking to use a grow tent but we need some help on what size are tent should be for this size of grow/lighting. Are goal is to yield 8oz from each plant.

Also please list what type of soil you would recommend for us and other things that you would recommend for us to buy for are attempt to grow.

You know what I don't like about this type of grow. When it's done, it's done and you're looking at an empty grow-op.

With two 1kw hps I could get off a minimum of 7 oz's of prime every two weeks in a perpetual grow and with way less hassle.

The partner thing is the shits. Every time someone "thinks" they deserve more.

10'x 8'x 8'h. Four week(or more) veg, 12 week bud, males and malfunctions(forgetting to water) not included:)
me and my buddy are looking to start a 16 plant grow, we are rookies to the game but have did some research on what we should use and what we could possible yield form are grow. So please correct anything that you see is wrong or what you would suggest to be different.

we are looking to buy 2x 1000 watt hps lights for are 16 plant grow, we are also looking to use a grow tent but we need some help on what size are tent should be for this size of grow/lighting. Are goal is to yield 8oz from each plant.

Also please list what type of soil you would recommend for us and other things that you would recommend for us to buy for are attempt to grow.
8 pound of 2000 watts, expect about 2 pounds if your lucky