18 current, former L.A. County sheriff's deputies face federal charges


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[h=1]18 current, former L.A. County sheriff's deputies face federal charges[/h] [h=2]Prosecutors say they found a 'wide scope of illegal conduct' by deputies and supervisors that went beyond mistreating inmates.[/h]


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Federal authorities announced charges Monday against 18 current and former Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies accused of beating jail inmates and visitors, trying to intimidate an FBI agent and other crimes following an investigation of corruption inside the nation's largest jail system.
Prosecutors said they found a "wide scope of illegal conduct" by deputies and their supervisors that went beyond mistreating inmates to actively attempting to hinder an FBI investigation into jail misconduct.
The actions of federal authorities marked the largest mass arrest of sheriff's officials in more than two decades and represents another blow to a department that recently has been accused of racially biased policing, hiring officers with tainted backgrounds and cronyism.


"These incidents did not take place in a vacuum — in fact, they demonstrated behavior that had become institutionalized," U.S. Atty. Andre Birotte Jr. said in a statement. "Some members of the Sheriff's Department considered themselves to be above the law."
The indictments allege two assaults on inmates and three on people who visited the jail. They also include claims that deputies wrote false reports to justify using force and conducted illegal arrests and searches of jail visitors.
A sergeant who supervised deputies in the visiting area of Men's Central Jail was accused of encouraging violence and reprimanding employees "for not using force on visitors ... if the visitors had supposedly 'disrespected'" jail deputies, according to an indictment.
Read the documents
In one case, prosecutors say, an Austrian consul official trying to visit an Austrian inmate was arrested and handcuffed even though she had committed no crime and would have been immune from prosecution, the indictment said.
Sheriff Lee Baca said at a Monterey Park news conference that he respected the findings of federal authorities but was saddened by them.
"Please know that I respect the criminal justice system and no one is above the law," Baca said.
Still, he defended his agency, saying "99.9% of our employees are on the right track.... There is no institutional problem within the Sheriff's Department when it comes to correcting itself."
Baca's remarks came as his deputies were being arraigned at the federal courthouse in downtown L.A. Sixteen appeared in court, with at least some handcuffed and chained at the waist. Some pleaded not guilty. Others are expected to enter their pleas at a later date. All were released on bond, a U.S. attorney's office spokesman said. The two who did not appear are expected to surrender in the future, he said.
In all, 13 deputies, three sergeants and two lieutenants were charged. Among the allegations are conspiracy to obstruct justice, making false statements and civil rights violations. Federal authorities said the investigation is ongoing.
Monday's charges mark the biggest corruption scandal the Sheriff's Department has faced since the late 1980s, when federal authorities accused deputies in an elite drug team of conspiring to steal from drug traffickers and money launderers. That investigation led to the convictions of more than two dozen deputies.
The latest indictments include allegations, first made public by The Times, against a deputy responsible for training new recruits in the jail.
Deputy Bryan Brunsting was the supervisor for a sheriff's rookie who graduated at the top of his recruit class but resigned after a few weeks on the job. The rookie said Brunsting forced him and others to beat up a mentally ill inmate and then cover up their actions, according to interviews and law enforcement records.
Sheriff's officials determined that no misconduct had occurred. After The Times' report, however, the rookie deputy was contacted by FBI agents.
Federal prosecutors accused Brunsting of assaulting inmates on two occasions and using deputies he trained to write false reports to cover up the abuse.
The indictment did not identify the rookie deputy by name, but the date and circumstances of one incident detailed in the indictment match those reported in The Times. According to the indictment, Brunsting told a training deputy that they needed to teach a lesson to an inmate who had been disrespectful to another jailer. Brunsting, the trainee and a third deputy, Jason Branum, struck, kicked and pepper-sprayed the man, the indictment said.

If we, here in America, are such a great country, why is there so much corruption? Is THIS the American dream? Our country is falling into economic terror when 1% of the population control almost 50% of the nations wealth. Prisons are becoming privatized, slave labor in prisons is legal, and still there is a war on innocent and private users of cannabis.

I can just imagine an intelligent young man thrown into prison for a couple ounces of herb and he is forced to deal with people like this. If the jail system is suppose to rehabilitate criminal intent, it looks to me like we are growing little baby Charlie Mansons'. Why are American jobs being sent overseas? Why are so many people dependent on welfare? Why is there desperation to the point of retardation in our land of the free and home of the brave?

....Who is going to protect the lives of innocent people if the police themselves are corrupt?