1k Bathtub ScroG- Flower= t-minus 5 days


Active Member
I feel like the gals are big enough to grow into the screen. They have been vegging for 7 weeks to the day. They started out under cfl's so i figure that can account for their "small size" but i think they have caught up nicely. They dont quite double in size when they flower and i know they are a faster plant at 6 weeks. It is sweet cindy under a 1000w. I gave them their first does of bud iginiter last night. I wanted to give it to them 1 week prior to flower so i plan on switching the bulb/lights in about 5 days now.

The little one in the middle is a blueberry plant that i started from seed, 4 weeks old to the day since i saw its first sprout, going to go ahead and flower it with these 2 as long as it can get enough light past the full screen

