1mth Flowering YELLOWING HELP!!!!!


Active Member
Im using a combination of HPS, Metal Halide, and tube flourescents...
Anyway, I am having trouble with one of my 4 plants. The whole plant is a yellowing\greenish\goldish color??? This plant is in a 5 gallon bucket, and I did use the FIM TOPPING Technique (which produced 4 new shoots)... its been fed peters 20-20-20 during VEG. and 2 doses of 1/2 strength nutes during Flowering..
Anyway, I think the problem is compacted or poor draining soil.. I used a mix of 1/4 perlite to soil. the soil does dry out though.. just takes longer than the others....
but if anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

My other plants are a nice dark lushious green.. same treatment except the 5 gallon bucket. Here are some pics (cant really see how yellow it is compared to others)



Well-Known Member
Just let it dry out, you'll probably lose those really yellow leaves but it won't really hurt a thing. Sure looks over watered to me:peace: