1oz trim to lb of butter? any good


Well-Known Member
don't plan on doing much after ya eat them. should be interesting. but does depend some on how dank the plant was the trim came from.


Well-Known Member
Since there is absolutely no info on whether you used sugar trim or fan leaf or whatever and no idea of potency there's no way to tell without trying it out. Just be VERY cautious. It takes quite a while for eaten cannabis to get into your system because of the convoluted route through your stomach, liver, blood stream and finally to the brain (or reasonable facsimile). It can take up to an hour for things to fully develop.


Well-Known Member
agree, it all deepens on how potent your trim is, if it only small sugar leaves from a potent mmj like the few grams of trim I made this oil from


your in for some fun time, if its mainly big fan leave`s from some "standard outdoor pot" plant`s well then time will tell but don't expect to much

Green Troll

Active Member
why the hell is anyone using fan leaves at all? trichomes are what you need. fan leaves don't have trichomes.


Well-Known Member
I used this ratio with my butter and made cookies should they be pretty potent or is the ratio to low for trim?
Most dispensary or collectives use this ratio.

Myself I use 1oz of BUDS to 2 cups of Coconut oil. It comes out to 120 - 4'' cookies that test in the 19's and contain about 1.xg each cookie. They are healing cookies so you're supposed to pass out. lol.