1st advanced Organic grow JO


Well-Known Member
Hello roll world, i'm knew to participating in the communicating and journalism aspects of forums i only did social networks for such a short stand. Although i am not at all green to these forums as i have admired a few journals here and there over the years.

To all my organic life stylist, activist, lobbyist (ok ill stop) I am seeking some advisement and wanting to council with other growers witn this community.First off i will list everything for which i have to build upon as i am looking to create a few super soil mixes. 1 mix i'm wanting to create a all purpose for seedling, veg with a little higher in (N) nitrogen ratio, as well a flowering mix with a little higher in (P) Phosphorus ratio.
I have may have went a little crazy with the amendments & fertilizers here is what i have:

*Crustaceans meal, *neem cake, *karanja cake, *camelina meal, soybean meal (non-gmo), *fish meal, *fish bone meal, *alfalfa meal, (Neptunes Harvest) kelp meal, (Neptunes Harvest) crab shell, *oyster flour, (ORGANICARE) PURE grow & bloom formula, azomite, *green sand, *langbeninite, (Neptunes Harvest) fish fertilizer & liquid seaweed, Liqullid Ful Power Bio- AG, Great White mychorrhizal,

Calphos,Glacial Rock Dust, Azomite, *Greensand,Gypsum Dust, Worm Power worm castings, Oly Mountain Fish Compost, Composted Wood Bark Mulch, Barley Straw Mulch, Black & Gold perlite pelletized.

Base Mix: Mother Earth Coco-coir, Fox Farm Oceans Forest, Custom Composted Soil Mix:

1 Part WormPower

1 Part Sphagnum Peat Moss

2/3 Part Pumice

1/3 Part Rice Hulls

Acadian Kelp Meal @ 1/2 Cup per cubic foot

Neem Cake and Karanja Cake 50/50 Mix @ 1/2 cup per cubic foot

Crustacean Meal @ 1/2 cub per cubic foot

Gypsum Dust @ 1 Cup Per Cubic Foot

Brix Blend Basalt @ 1 Cup Per Cubic Foot

Glacial Rock Dust @ 1 Cup Per Cubic Foot

Oyster Flour @ 1 Cup Per Cubic Foot
Insecticide pest management kit: 1 Ounce Aloe Vera, 1 Pound Agsil16H, 1 Pound Coconut Water Powder
Small Bag Malted Barley Seeds, 1 Pint Ahimsa Neem Oil, 8 ounces Essential Oil Blend with Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Thyme, Clover and Ginger Oils.

I will be running 300watt (kind) for VEG and 600 watt (kind) for BLOOM. Variety of pots fabric, super roots and root builders, 1 gallong veg and 3 gallon blooms.

Please feel free to advise me on a custom blend out of what i have listed, i dont wish to buy anything else for couple of years hopefully. Any insight, knowledge, criticisim is accepted as it is needed for me to thrive in my quest. I will list more specifications later after soilmixes are complete thanks everyone.
Hello roll world, i'm knew to participating in the communicating and journalism aspects of forums i only did social networks for such a short stand. Although i am not at all green to these forums as i have admired a few journals here and there over the years.

To all my organic life stylist, activist, lobbyist (ok ill stop) I am seeking some advisement and wanting to council with other growers witn this community.First off i will list everything for which i have to build upon as i am looking to create a few super soil mixes. 1 mix i'm wanting to create a all purpose for seedling, veg with a little higher in (N) nitrogen ratio, as well a flowering mix with a little higher in (P) Phosphorus ratio.
I have may have went a little crazy with the amendments & fertilizers here is what i have:

*Crustaceans meal, *neem cake, *karanja cake, *camelina meal, soybean meal (non-gmo), *fish meal, *fish bone meal, *alfalfa meal, (Neptunes Harvest) kelp meal, (Neptunes Harvest) crab shell, *oyster flour, (ORGANICARE) PURE grow & bloom formula, azomite, *green sand, *langbeninite, (Neptunes Harvest) fish fertilizer & liquid seaweed, Liqullid Ful Power Bio- AG, Great White mychorrhizal,

Calphos,Glacial Rock Dust, Azomite, *Greensand,Gypsum Dust, Worm Power worm castings, Oly Mountain Fish Compost, Composted Wood Bark Mulch, Barley Straw Mulch, Black & Gold perlite pelletized.

Base Mix: Mother Earth Coco-coir, Fox Farm Oceans Forest, Custom Composted Soil Mix:

1 Part WormPower

1 Part Sphagnum Peat Moss

2/3 Part Pumice

1/3 Part Rice Hulls

Acadian Kelp Meal @ 1/2 Cup per cubic foot

Neem Cake and Karanja Cake 50/50 Mix @ 1/2 cup per cubic foot

Crustacean Meal @ 1/2 cub per cubic foot

Gypsum Dust @ 1 Cup Per Cubic Foot

Brix Blend Basalt @ 1 Cup Per Cubic Foot

Glacial Rock Dust @ 1 Cup Per Cubic Foot

Oyster Flour @ 1 Cup Per Cubic Foot
Insecticide pest management kit: 1 Ounce Aloe Vera, 1 Pound Agsil16H, 1 Pound Coconut Water Powder
Small Bag Malted Barley Seeds, 1 Pint Ahimsa Neem Oil, 8 ounces Essential Oil Blend with Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Thyme, Clover and Ginger Oils.

I will be running 300watt (kind) for VEG and 600 watt (kind) for BLOOM. Variety of pots fabric, super roots and root builders, 1 gallong veg and 3 gallon blooms.

Please feel free to advise me on a custom blend out of what i have listed, i dont wish to buy anything else for couple of years hopefully. Any insight, knowledge, criticisim is accepted as it is needed for me to thrive in my quest. I will list more specifications later after soilmixes are complete thanks everyone.

You have your bases more than covered with the amendments! The *only* thing that could be nit-picked is the size of your containers. It has been my experience that plants grown in organic soil do best in larger containers. Not to say that you couldn't pull it off just fine in a 3 gal, but Im finding that I get better results in 10 gallon buckets

@DonPetro and @DonTesla have used smaller containers in their organic garden so maybe they can chime in and correct me if Im mistaken.

Best of luck to you...
You have your bases more than covered with the amendments! The *only* thing that could be nit-picked is the size of your containers. It has been my experience that plants grown in organic soil do best in larger containers. Not to say that you couldn't pull it off just fine in a 3 gal, but Im finding that I get better results in 10 gallon buckets

@DonPetro and @DonTesla have used smaller containers in their organic garden so maybe they can chime in and correct me if Im mistaken.

Best of luck to you...
My response would be go with larger containers if possible. With a larger container you have more room for error and your yield won't suffer.
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