1st attempt CLF and Steath


Active Member
Well this grow was inspired by a computer case grow in the forum. Its my first time growing at all and CFL looked to be the easiest route.

As the title says, I want to be steathy. I only have my room to grow in, and the only empty space is in a part of my desk. The actual grow space in the desk is 1 ft wide, 6 inch deep and 16 inch high. Very small! Its going to be a pain to grow in but it will have to do. I made a false wall using the back of the desk and another peice of cardboard. It looks good but some light escapes out the front, but a lock on the door keeps curious eyes out.

So far I have spent zero dollars on this grow. The light, fan, seeds and and tin foil where all found in my house. I didnt even buy the bud I got the bag seeds from!

As for the seeds, I planted 10 seeds in 10 cups and only 2 sprouted. This lazy way of doing things turned out good because Im going to barely have enough room/ light as it is! I need atleast 1 more light in there.

Enough talky more pictures! I know, I know, the light was to far away and to low of voltage. You will see I changed that and I hope my leggy plants stop growing strait up. Tomorrow I am going to fill up the cups with more soil and cover up atleast half of the stem.

Ill try my best at keeping this a day to day thing.



Well-Known Member
their stretching move them closer to the light you need to go to the store and buy like a 30 watt cfl 6500k for veg


Active Member
I forgot to add that I got a 6500k now istead of the 2500k or whatever it was. Thats why the last 2 pics are so much brighter. Also I moved the light closer to the plants today and boy did it make a difference! The leaves sprouted out instead of the stem shooting up! I cant wait to go to the store tomorrow and get another light!


Active Member
Day 6

After 3 days in my grow area the plants seem to be doing better now that theres a better CFL and its closer to them. I put some more soil in their cups and gave them a little water and thats all.
