1st DWC – Strawberry Haze


Well-Known Member
Hi welcome to my 1st DWC grow. I have lots to learn but I am having a ton of fun. Please look over my grow room and plants and offer and advice good or bad.

Grow Room (Photos below)
  • 3'x3'x6.5'
Air Flow:
  • temp 70f (night) 85f (Day)
  • in: 4” fan
  • out: Carbon filter >> 177CFM Can fan (speed cut in half, and a negative pressure is held)
  • 2' tower fan (the “wind” fan)
  • temp: 68f – 70f (chiller)
  • Nutes: 8ml Big Grow, 4ml Big Bloom, 14.5ml Hygrozyme, 6ml SuperThrive
  • 7-8 gallon res (Cooler)
  • PH 5.6 – 6.5 (keeps rising)
  • PPM 102
  • (1) 30K Spiral / 105watts / CFL
  • (1) 41K Spiral / 105watts / CFL
  • (1) 50K Tube / 105watts / CFL
  • Veg – 18-6
  • Light distance from table 8"
Plants and water: (Photos below)
  • 2 Plants
  • Age: 27 Days from Seed
  • Height: both about 3"
  • no smell yet.
  • Planning on Veg the plant to 8" then adding a hanging ScrOG, and filling that in before 12/12.
Problems so far:
  • Water temp to high (Ice bottles not a good idea) shocked the plants!
  • Root rot from the high res temp. (installed a Chiller ~3 days ago)
  • (current) Mold on the rock wool cubes (had them covered, uncovered now and turned up the tower fan to med).
  • The leafs are yellow/brown spotted from the root rot that is now under control and slowly going away, still some signs of it. (about 3 days ago I cleaned the roots in the light h2o2 mix with water). There is no h2o2 in the res I am using Hygrozyme)


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Active Member
Looks like a very nice setup and the plants are making a great recovery. I would like to try hydro once I have more experience with the indoor growing.

It will be nice to watch your progress since we started within 3 days of each other.

It appears from your picture that the FF Big Bloom may be the soil growing version rather the than hydro version. I don't think there is enough difference between the two to make much of a difference. You might want to ask an expert though.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
OK changed the water in the res (because i was using soil nutes, that could explain the ph problem will see). I also bought new Nutes GH Gro/Micro/Bloom. Anyone know why the Micro has to go in 1st?

7gallons Distilled Water.
ppm - 0

3.5ml Micro
3.5ml Gro
3.5ml Bloomy
30ml Hygrozyme

ppm 85
ph 4.44

1.5ml ph up

ph 5.4
ppm 85

Pics - 28 days are those crystals on the plants?


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Well-Known Member
little off topic but close BEER. there is a Pic of my homemade glass of beer. mmmmmm cant way to have homegrown buds along side. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
When the plants get to about 8" in height I plan on hanging a ScrOG over the plants (photo below). I have two concerns about thing ScrOG I made (18"x24") or (1.5'x2') :mrgreen:.

1) Are the holes to big, should I add another line inbetween the current lines. Or should I start over?

2) Will the plant push the hanging ScrOG up and out of the way? Do you think one anchor pole or some weights will hold the ScrOG down?

Thanks for your help.



Well-Known Member
Day 32.

Plants are recovering nice from the root rot they had (still fighting off the last little bit a light brown on some roots. Been added h202 at 6ml about every 12 hours for the pass 3 days. Sprayed the roots with a strong 3% h2o2.

PPM 130
PH 5.5 - 6.5 (I think the root rot is making the PH spike up)
- tent 82f/40% High | 70f/30% Low
- Water 61.7f - 63.4f

How Iam I doing?



Well-Known Member
Still attcking the root rot, today I added ~120ml (1/2cup) to the res (iam sick of this root rot i have learned i would rather kill them and start over or fight this off now). Res change is 2 - 3 days. Upgraded the air from a 60 gallon pump to a 100 gallon pump anything to help the roots get better.

Today is the 1st really strong smell in the tent. i love it.

The two plants look different to me i was thinking maybe that is becouse the skinnyer one is closer to the fan but still the gens should be close. i dont care either way height/light could become a problem but time will tell the story.

:weed: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I recommend using the lucas formula. I use GH Micro, GH Bloom, Hygrozyme, SuperThrive, and roots oreganum XL. I too am on my first grow, and after 8 weeks have some monster plants. I did have a root rot problem and the hygrozyme seems to have done the trick as all plants have made a complete recovery. Check out my grow log it might help.


Well-Known Member
Update Day 36

Still think there are two differnt plants, the skinnier on I htink is the strawberry haze. The other fat one I have no clue. The short fat one got a root cuting last night as one root was not recoving from root rot and threated newer roots coming down. It was a huge mass (The plant is fine I was scared for her as I never done anything like that.) The skinny one showed nice recovery and just washed the root with h2o2 the sprayed water on them and reparted a few times.

The pass few days I have been adding about 1 cup of H2O2 to the 7 gallon res. The Plants love it from what I can tell. Have not added any today would like to back off but still need to keep the root rot in check.

Also yesterday I topped the res off with
1 gallon h2o
1ml micro
2ml bloom
1ml superthrive
~120 ml h2o2

yesterday after adding
Res - ph 5.74 ppm 159 temp 62.3

today's reading
Res - ph 5.97 ppm 154 temp 64.3
(added a few drops PH down).




Active Member
It looks like you have had some nice new growth in the last 4-5 days.

What are your high temps running? My growth, initially was very slow due to high temps. When I got them down into the upper 70's they greened up and really started growing fast.



Well-Known Member
Day temps 78f - 85f (can not do an a/c in the tent for this grow to hard to setup around the tent with plants, but this will be on the next grow).

Night temp 68f - 75f (10am - 4pm) Hotest time of the day outside the plants think it is dark :).

I think the slow growth is do to me learning DWC, I am sure the brown slime is not helping the roots :mrgreen:.


Well-Known Member
Day 37
Changed Res today water was filled with brown slimey stuff floating around (Think it is dead root rot). Wiped down the Res, Tubes, pump, air stones, the best I could. Depending on how thing look I may change the res in one week. I really wish I had the chiller from the start Iam very close to just starting over, but Then I dont learn anything and who to say i will not be in the same boat next grow.

  • 7 gallons H2O
  • 8ml Micro
  • 8ml Bloom
  • 8oz H2O2
  • 1ml Superthrive
  • PH - 5.47
  • PPM - 123 (wish to have the PPM twice as high but with the root rot and steps I have been taking to get it cleared up, I dont want to deal with burning too).
  • Temp - 71 (Chiller is a Chilling).
:weed: :blsmoke:
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Well-Known Member
Day 40

The Brown slime is just about gone, for the 1st time in a long time I see more white roots then brown roots. SM90 is doing a good job along with a little h2o2.

Flushed the plant before a res change.
18ml Flora Kleen (HG)
waited 1.5 hours
Changed the res and Cleaned everything VERY well. I used hygrozyme/h202/h2o in a bucket and let the pump and air stones clean, then scrubed and rinsed them.

7gallons h2o
6ml Micro
12ml Bloom
1ml SuperThrive (should be the last time I use this, because the plants should not be stressed anyone). Lets hope.
21ml sm90

PH 5.63
ppm 133 - If the plants take off I will move this up.
water temp 68f (going down to 64f)
air temp 83 - little hot




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Well-Known Member
Day 45

PH 5.6
ppm 135

The ph and ppm have changed very little over the pass 4 days, the roots at 90% and the plants have really taking off.

I belive that I have a sativa and indica plant. the indica is a wrong seed oh well it can live till i see the sex. the sativa should be strawberry haze the talled of the two and skinnier, but that is the strain genes. because there are two different types the sativa will be LST and topped to stay low. When the Indica gets 12" tall iam going to switch to 12/12. Iam not going to Scrog because of the strain error.



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Well-Known Member
I have to start off by saying that we both have the same tent but my setup isn't nearly as hooked up as yours with the exception that I veg with a 400WhPS and Flower with a 1000WhPS. With all your hightech equipment I'd say that your bottleneck will be your light selection. You can get crazy herb but you need that HPS to thicken the stem so that she can bear more bud weight.

Other than that - My hat goes off to you for your selection of equipment. Bravo my friend you are well on your way to really potent high quality weed.

On another note. consider the amount of superthrive you are using; this is a very potent supplement know to burn plants as I see on your lower leaves. I generally use a drop from an eye dropper per gallon. You might be pushing the limit. Keep an eye on pH as well but I see that you have that under control.

Good Luck and keep it growing.


Well-Known Member
I have to start off by saying that we both have the same tent but my setup isn't nearly as hooked up as yours with the exception that I veg with a 400WhPS and Flower with a 1000WhPS. With all your hightech equipment I'd say that your bottleneck will be your light selection. You can get crazy herb but you need that HPS to thicken the stem so that she can bear more bud weight.

Other than that - My hat goes off to you for your selection of equipment. Bravo my friend you are well on your way to really potent high quality weed.

On another note. consider the amount of superthrive you are using; this is a very potent supplement know to burn plants as I see on your lower leaves. I generally use a drop from an eye dropper per gallon. You might be pushing the limit. Keep an eye on pH as well but I see that you have that under control.

Good Luck and keep it growing.
I have been looking into a 400 HPS cool tube setup. only problem is I have put over 2000 in this and no weed yet. Do you think another 450 will pay off? Also take in mind my air system was setup for 4" the cool tubes that I have found are 6" so to do it the right way I have to upgrade my filter and my can fan. grrr. Iam at the point to just see how CFL goes and the next grow get the hps as I have read that is the way to go.