1ST EVERGROW , 600 watt advice ?


Sorry for newbee stats, so anyway the the tallest plant are about 3-4 weeks old , Ive ran my first ph and soil test they were at the right level .I know iam not over watering them I can smell that small a lil bit ,the soil is pretty good , I havnt went cheap and take an short cuts alone the way .The plants looks and seems healthy , they seem to me tho to have a some what of a grow stunt there just not growing tall but there are more bush and wide , thanks for any tips / help . Ive add a few pics thanks guys .



Well-Known Member
All looks OK (except for that little yelow plant!)
The three big ones look good. You started the others later??
There can be a lull in vertical growth as they establish some roots.

Are they in their final pots? If yes, I would fill them up with dirt! Looks like you got some room in there.


As far as the air yes , one medium size fan in the closet and another larger full size fan bringing in fresh/cool air . They are 18/6 light / sleep . The soil is new , matter of fact everything is new . Also thos are not stalks , they are like a strong wire tire , some times I catch my fan bends them over just a lil bit from time to time , and until they can stand strong on there own iam giving them a lil help so that they grow straight .

They are not in there finally pot , they were beer cups , i wanted to put them in something more suitable , once they out grow that I will move them to probly a 5 gallon container and they well be there final home . The room temp well drop to about 73-75 temp when there in the sleep time once the light kicks on the room temp goes about 90-97 still working on the temp thing .Im working on the problems as I work thro this , so deal with my inexperence thanks . Yes the smaller plants were started later as a back , not sure how many are males and female or incase some died I would have a lil bit of a back up plan I guess .

I think the last comment was right on the money , I didnt think about but these plants are all in the new larger pots , and they have only been in there for about a week ,I think you right about the plants looming around , the roots are just probly starting to fill the larger pots there in .I didnt buy any name brand stains as of yet these are like the practice dummys once i get my first grow ill seed the money on the stain , I just want to say thanks a whole lot for taking the time to help me figure this out . As far as watering them should I wait until they they dry then add water , or just kind of just keep them topped off sorta ?speak ?


Ps , Ive been getting better at the room temp been keeping it in the 80-87 temp ive been getting close to my desire room temp , its not that i dont know what iam doing on the temp , its just more the design of the room , i dont some might be me : ) .... Iam going to have a total of 3 transplants thro out the whole grow , beer cup , then medium pot , then 5 gallon , do you think thats ok or should I change it to just 2 trans plants , the smaller plants will only go thro two transplants , ive got a 2 different things going on with theses plants to see what works best for me , but over all iam playing as close as possible by the book as I can ., Ive got two types of bulbs one for veg witch i believe is around 55,000 lumms and when i put them in 12/12 they get the new sulfur bulb when its time to put them in flowering mode .All yes sulfur bulbs is about 89,000 lumms but that bulb is still in the box ....

Future upgrade is grow tent and air system , promix , and plant strains that you guys use , but for know its all about the same now just makes me feel better to have all the right tools I guess thank again for your guys and gals time ...


Well-Known Member
Sounds good -

Your repot plan sounds fine. A lot of people recommend ~3 pots, giving the roots a chance to establish.
Others go right to the final pot. I use 2, with the final being 2gal smart pots (I look to move up to 3-gal).

I would water when the soil gets dry. Most recommend a wet/dry cycle, again to promote root growth & health.
I look for the soil to be dry for ~2". I water approx. ever 3rd day.

And keep working on your temperature!
You should consider CFLS (or T5 HO) for now. The 600W is a bit of overkill.
Eventually you will need it, and you will need to control the termperature. Larger plants will help a bit.
Get your temperature gauge out of the direct light; this will yield a more accurate reading.

Good luck with your grow !


I was think about what you said theres a switch were i can run my 600 w at 50% or 75% and then 100% , you think i should keep it on 50 % until the plants are larger , plus I think it well help keep the temp down , not including my power bill .I mean they had to put it on there for some reason Im guessing ,

And ur also correct on the temp gauge by moving , it never crossed my mind . So I dont need to know the type of temp my plants are getting putting on them , just worry about the over all room temp ? Ill move it that way i can understand what the total room temp is , I think the idea i had by putting it under the light was to get an understanding of what type of stress the plants were going thro , and the once i got my head wrap around it i just never moved it , guess i over looked it thanks alot for the advice .

And the CFLS (or T5 HO) thats some thing I know nothing about and well work on increasing my understanding of the products . ok thanks and will update after changes are made in a few weeks again thanks for the support . )


Well-Known Member
I got a dimmable ballast, but don't use it. I think it will prematurely age the lamp. The ballast company (Lumatek) says it is OK, but I did not find any info from my lamp manufacturer. I will use it as a 'last resort' if I got real heat problems.

I would go for CFLs now. You can always use CFLs in a grow. I use them for clones & small plants. Then I go to T5, then HID.
You don't need that much light, & you may have heat problems. Even 50% (300W) seems like overkill for your plants today. You could save some electricity $$$, and maybe better for plants.

You want to measure the temps at the plant canopy. I got my gauge inside a white cardboard tube that shields it from direct light, but still get some air movement. If you get your gauge in the shadow you should see it drop a few degrees.


Thank you , Ive picked so many help tips , if would have take so much longer .Ill make sure to pass on the advice .Ive made all possible changes , got the temp down to 70 night /6 and day/18 temp 80 so much better .And also looking in to a T5 and CFL's and very near future , glad I can keep the grow in a healthier state. Will update on grow. Ps the grow seem to be doing great , and what makes me the happiest there starting to grow tall , think u were right about the loom roots due to transplant to large pot ........