1st Grow 1st Journal


O.K. so I have study, researched, and looked at a lot of threads. So here is my 1st attempt. More pics to come but here is what I have so far ... I'm using the "wet paper towel" method to get these seeds of unknown strain to sprout (got them from a friend who had no idea of what he was token, but it was great!), also I'm going hydro.
Day 1 Nov. 22, 2009:leaf:

If any seed expert can give me a clue as to the strain just by looking at the pics I would appreciate the help



O.K. so this is my Day 2 post a few hours early
None of the seeds have popped yet so still have time to set up everything. Here are a few pics of the start of the grow tent ... it's real simple just some black tarp to control the light. Plan is to create on tent for flowering and second tent for vegg (mothers and clones)

Day 2 Nov. 23, 2009:leaf:



Well-Known Member
lookin good so far.. but that black plastic is gonna absorb your light. you should get sum black&white poly an use the white on the inside. It comes pretty thick too so it would work as the wall like u have it.


lookin good so far.. but that black plastic is gonna absorb your light. you should get sum black&white poly an use the white on the inside. It comes pretty thick too so it would work as the wall like u have it.

Good point ... I will work on this ... How about I get some of that Mylar stuff and stick it to the tarp if it holds that should work right?


Got about 6 sprouts today put them in the stone wool and hydroton and under the lights as you can see I need more light ... will work on it

Day 3 Nov. 24, 2009:leaf:



Active Member
HOW CUTE:lol:! IM watchin this, it should b a quickee with that setup!!
lol not nice...
no seed expert will ever be able to tell you what strain it is just by looking at the seed.
you are going to want to move that air around in there,
looks like you have more than enough room to build yourself a nice enclosed room. if you are serious about this, id go for that its a good envestment, it will be much easier to control temps in a room


Any suggestion or Ideas are welcome ... remember I'm a rookie ... yeah I called myself making a grow tent ... but I used black tarp ... and the hydro store ran out of Mylar ... so I'm waiting on that any suggestions while I wait ... anyway I got those seed from a good buddy who claims that they will be mind blowing ... but he don't remember what kind the are ... lol ...

First Time Growin

Active Member
Hey man i am doing my first grow too, but with soil. I want to switch to hydro and am going to watch how you set yours up. Subscribed, good luck bro, keep us updated on how your setting it up, and how your little future ladies are doin.


Quick Question ... what is the light period for seedlings? I've read 24hrs ... and I've also read 18/6 ... not sure ... my lights will be on for 18hrs around 6:30pm?


Hey man i am doing my first grow too, but with soil. I want to switch to hydro and am going to watch how you set yours up. Subscribed, good luck bro, keep us updated on how your setting it up, and how your little future ladies are doin.

FTG thanks for the subscribe ... i will make a post of the details soon but I followed the setup of the wise Roseman here's a link to his tut ...


First Time Growin

Active Member
Thanks alot man! To answer your question, when you first plant your seed in the ground, have it for 24 hours until the plant pops out and sprouts it's cotyledon's. Then it is up to you whether to continue 24/0 or swap to 18/6. What I did was gradually change it from 24/0 to 18/6 an hour by day after about the first leaves grew..


O.K. so its the 4th day and things seem to be moving well(fast) got some pics of the seeds starting to sprout up.

So I wanted to talk a little about the setup

Black painters tarp
Rubbermaid tote
3.75 inch net baskets
cheap aquarium air pump (for 20 -30 gallon)
2 air stones 12in (to make the bubbles)
ViaAqua water pump
3/4 tubing
1/4 tubing (drip lines)
clamp on lights
100 watt equivalent CFL bulds 5500k
Grow and Flower nutes
1mil mylar

O.K. that's my stuff ... one thing i f'd up on was getting a 30gal tote ... didn't even realize how big the thing was until i put about 12 gals of water in there and it wasn't even half full ... so the only problem is that the 30 gal cost a few bucks more ... anyway just put less water like 10 gals just like I would for the 15 gal tote, and I still get the same bubble action.
oh yeah just got the mylar today from the hydro store .... so i'll add it to the set up in day 5 ...

oh yeah check out these pics ... I think I will have leaves by tonight ... then we can talk about sex baby ....:bigjoint::lol:

Day 4 Nov. 25, 2009:leaf:



They are here!! 6 babies ... see pics below

So on to problems that I'm having ... water pump method is not working ... First I set it up and everything seem to work fine, but apparently the tube came loose from the pump and no water has been dripped to the plants ... but when I hooked it all back up I noticed that the pump actually cause too much water to be dripped on the plants ... so I don't think the drip system worked for more than a couple of hours so I'm lucky that the babies didn't drown ... may need to get a smaller water pump ... or add the little 1/4gph drippers to the ends of the drip tubes ...

Also I have found a few lady bugs hanging around ... any thoughts? will they become a problem? will they help?

anyway I add a fan to the setup ... no mylar up yet but will put it up when i get home tonight .... HAPPY THANKSGIVING :bigjoint:

Day 5 Nov. 26, 2009:leaf:


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
a few suggestions:

1. get black\white poly istead of that mylar. way easier to hang.
2. if you get too much dripping, get smaller drippers.
3. you will need way more than a 23W CFL (100 equiv.) to grow these plants. get some more lights quick before your plants start to strech.
4. lady bugs are your friends. if you have some bugs they will eat them and reproduce. their eggs should be pretty visible. if you see some and you have too many keep the eggs in the freezer for the next time you see bugs on your plants.

i don't know much about bubbleponics however.

good luck ;D


So day 6 ... not much new ... added more lights, started with 3 100 eq CFLs now I have 6 that should help a lot ... I put up a little pice of Mylar since I had already bought it ... that's it ... so check out the random pics

also when should I change the light cycle ( right now I'm just running 24hr on ... when should I go to 18/6? I was thinking tonight would be good ... so I put the lights on a timer ...

I'll check back later for any responses

Day 6 Nov. 27 2009:leaf:



all is calm ... what's new ... I added 1/2gph drip heads to my feeder tubes ... and I also added the water pump to the timer ... it should drip water to the plants every two hrs or so for 30mins ... I'll check it when I wake up to see if it is too much seems o.k. though

Anyway things seems to be going nicely

Day 7 Nov. 28, 2009:leaf: