1st Grow - 250w CFL - Auto Dwarfs - Yo!


Hello everyone, im new around here.
TBH i only kinda popped on to check out some info regarding auto dwarfs, but ended up reading some guys grow journal as he has the same strains as myself.

20 threads later i think, you know what... i'll post some pics of my little girls just for the hell of it.

Light = 250w CFL
(blue for 17 days)
(red since)

Micro nutrient veg soil.

the girls:
lowryder#2 on left, White dwarf on right

LR2 is 14inches and WD is 20" --- Both are 4weeks and 1day old
sorry for late reply.
got the light from ebay, just search 250w cfl. i got the pack with 2 bulbs (red and blue), reflector and yo-yo hangers. total cost about £83 delivered (in like 2 days i may add)
There was a mix up with my order and i only got 1 bulb. so i emailed, and they sorted me the other right away.
like a dip-shit i dropped the bulb as soon as i opened the styraphome box and it bust. d'oh. i emailed the seller told um it was already broke, sent them a pic and they replaced it! sweeet!

anyway, heres some update pics:


thats a big ass cfl!! whats the lumen output on that bitch also how much heat does it put off? how close can you get it to yur plants with a fan? i have a 250 watt hps so im just wonering
honestly, i am not sure about the lumen output - im sure a little google searching will give these answers (which i havent done :D)

The cfl does not give off a great deal of heat. It keeps my grow space warm but not hot.
i also have a fan in there blowing across the light (not needed for cooling, but for plant stregth)

The CFL you can also get a 300w version and even dual spectrum! im getting a cfl hanger (without reflector) to put in grow space too, that way i can have 4 plants on the go at different stages.

I had the light consistantly about an inch above the plants for like 4 weeks then raised it a touch. (its now like a couple of inches above the tops of both.)

the White Dwarf is about 20-21inches and the LR2 is about 18-19 inches. both tops are at the same height.

as these are starting to get frosty, im gonna start planting out a few more so i get a rotating crop going.

hope i have answered your Qs yo, if any of you have any more, i'll do my best to answer.
thanks for checking this out

update time.
so my babies are all grown up now and maturing away. i cant believe its only been 5 weeks.
anyway, some birthday pics: enjoy:

Both: Happy Birthday!




happy birthday indeed! hahaha!

but serious bro i like dis right here... I need your help on some shit.

1) do you move that light about so it gets closer to the plants?
2) how big is your grow room?
3) what soil and nutes you using?
4) how you handlin that smell?

The set up u got loks so simple and cheap n dats what im looking for.. If you got any resource where you bought ya stuff cheap, just let me know :)
cheers don,
cheap and simple was defo the plan here, start small get experience then add to the setup.

grow room size is: 3ft(w) x 3ft(d) x 5ft(h) (all white walls)

lights are on yo-yo rollers, so i kept them like an inch above the tops of plants at all time. so this did involve raising quite often, but with the yo-yo rollers its easy, and they dont fall back down either. they seem to have stopped gaining height now, so the light doesn't need anymore moving.
I do rotate the plants, to try to give them the same amount of light and fan.

I have 2 250w cfls (red and blue) + reflector + yo-yos (homewith Bargains on ebay - cost £82) (only one plugged in at a time for now)

Im using soil from a Fruit, Veg and Herb 50l grow bag. This has Micro Nutrients and water retaining crystals init. (cost £3)
I also added one of those MiracleGrow multi nutrient blobs that you stick into the soil, to both pots. i also water with a touch of tomatoe feed.
I have a 2speed 6" clip on fan too (cost £10)

Smell aint too bad. I mean, you can defo smell it when you come into the room with closet in, but it just smells like you've seshed it in here the night before.
Im expecting it to get stronger in the following few weeks, so im gonna get a few plug in freshners, put 1 in my room, and 1 outside my room (and maybe 1 by my front door :D), preferably with different smells.

hope this info has helped you out buddy.
yeah man smell is a bad thing especially when am lookin to get cheese and blueberry.
You got a link 2 them £10 fans?
And a link to that soil ya using, looks healthy for the ganja haha!!
But yeah im having a hard time getting one light system because i have a budget of £50 atm!!

keep us updated tho
there is a site somewhere that says the lowryder 2 will grow 1 main cola but with idea conditions will have crazy lower branching and slightly taller.
i guess my conditions are good for this.

plus my light cycle is 24/0
lets hope i get plenty of buddage yo!
everything is looking good man. I'm currently growing 2 lowryder #1 plants. and to answer that guys question , yes lr#1 is shorter than 2. theres a link to my journal in my sig.

good luck man
yo mashedlad did you get that dual spectrum light??? I might get one too and see if i can grow plants at different stages...

i got my setup going, and my light is the same as yours but im hanging it vertically... i think its going shit though, the plants are about 2 inches tall at 13 days... slow or waht??